@icedquinn I'd consider it similar to bodily autonomy actually. Since it's a defense from having their bodies treated badly by parents' decisions.
@icedquinn this is a hard topic, as giving institutions control is dangerous but leaving it entirely with parents can be tragic. There are some things nearly everyone agrees on that parents shouldn't be able to ruin. Forgoing education at all is one of them, forgoing early treatment with good success rate for a lethal problem at least comes close. Leaving a child to die a painful death because a parent is an idiot and will attempt to treat cancer with MMC is not good.
Children aren't their parents' property and it makes sense that some of their rights as humans and citizens will be defended even against them.
@icedquinn children don't really have bodily autonomy, in this case it's either parents or doctors overriding it. Children are people that shouldn't suffer from more stupid decisions of their parents, so this is in line with the rest of how they're treated.
I can finally reveal some research I've been involved with over the past year or so.
We (@redford, @mrtick and I) have reverse engineered the PLC code of NEWAG Impuls EMUs. These trains were locking up for arbitrary reasons after being serviced at third-party workshops. The manufacturer argued that this was because of malpractice by these workshops, and that they should be serviced by them instead of third parties.
@icedquinn also the ton of Polish reviews say that the performance is terrible and the game lacks options that could make it better, as expected from an institute-driven project.
@icedquinn made by the Masovian Cultural Institute, Poland, for some reason. Even set in some of the commie block districts of Warsaw. Sadly doesn't seem to include the option to see how they actually look after a decade or two, dirty grey depression monoliths.
The name literally means "blocks" btw.
@katafrakt what does yours do, out of curiosity? 200 and an empty array, despite not returning an array on a single result?
@katafrakt I had something similar at an old job, truly a pleasure to deal with. Bonus points if it goes 404 when no results are found.
@mattswift @tomw I was about to comment the same thing, especially since it's typical for PHP devs to defend the most insane decisions it makes with all their might, but this time it's actually correct. These aren't decimal points, they're version part separators. 1.02.04 doesn't mean "version one and two-hundredths and four-idontevenknow", it means "version one, subversion two, subsubversion four", just stylised in a weird way, perhaps because the person making it wanted to reserve two spots per subversion to have the same width when going above 9.
It's like the day 04.02 just means "fourth day of the second month" (or the reverse if you're wrong) and not day four and two hundredths somehow.
@tk at least if you believe people who have no idea how it works.
@TechConnectify @DeShawnFranco we may not have xitter's filtering rules, but please don't let a vocal minority shape your opinion about the network.
Software developer, open-source enthusiast, wannabe software architect. I like learning and comparing different technologies. Also general STEM nerd.