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Amikke boosted

if you have a computer you no longer use, consider donating it to your local Linux Creature.

Linux Creatures must install linux on a new device every few months in order to survive, and you may end up getting a useful computer out of it to boot.

(if the Linux Creature decides to hand it back to you instead of keeping it for their silly little experiments)

Amikke boosted

@sun - indo-europeans, a few thousands years ago.

Amikke boosted

sudo would be a great name for a dog

sudo fetch ball
sudo shake hand
sudo sit
sudo sleep
sudo watch baby
sudo killall intruders

Amikke boosted

This gives me a fun idea that I will never have the time to develop so someone else does it:

A bot called "Fedi installs Gentoo" on an empty virtual machine with a Gentoo iso where on each command input it posts a poll on what to type next.

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The “reinventing trains” crowd when seeing a bus:

hurhurhur yeah and maybe also connect those “pods” to be more efficient, oh and maybe also put them on some kind of tracks so that they don’t need separate drivers.

It’s peak internet activism when the loudest proponents of the mode of transportation based entirely on the economy of scale don’t understand the economy of scale.

Amikke boosted

Now hear me out.

Is Microsoft aware of the X11 protocol? Maybe they just needlessly trying to reinvent the wheel by screenshoting your hent^H^H^H^Hvery serious documents while there's a very mature and sound way of spying your desktop.

I mean, they could take over the maintenance of Xorg and make happy all those grey beard people who don't wish to switch to wayland.

#x11 #wayland #windows #recall

Amikke boosted

when is GCC gonna have support for shock collars?
it might help to shock the programmer whenever the compile fails

Amikke boosted

I propose the following #Kanban board stages:

- TODO (requested)
- NO GO (blocked, cancelled)
- FO SHO (doing it)
- OH NO (testing)
- YOLO (released)

@icedquinn @arcana if "the people" were capable of rational cooperation, they'd buy more expensive better built products instead of getting duped by cheaper shit that breaks and costs them more in the long run, and so force the producers to optimise for excellent engineering or get pushed out of the market.

As per usual, it's the fault of societal inability to cooperate, and so systems based more on cooperation than on the market would therefore do even worse.

@dany_57987 @nixCraft tracker blockers can sometimes be overzealous and break things with false positives. I assume that if Firefox took that stance, it's likely one of those cases.

@lucy and that's why they're forcing big tech to adapt common standards like USB-C and open their ecosystems to alternative app stores, which among other things "enable piracy and malware"? The EU isn't the American government.

Amikke boosted

uh, yes please
i would love winamp for mac, ubuntu and android!

@nixCraft usually it's there. At least where I live. It's a red flag if it isn't, nobody wants to waste time going on interviews for a job that's gonna later offer them peanuts, and thankfully people in this industry usually can be picky.

Where I live there's a website for IT that straight-up requires declaring the salary, among other no-bullshit data points. That's where we search first.

Amikke boosted
:neocat_floof_mug: please amend your ticket with details if you want it processed more quickly
:revblobfoxtrash: lets have a meeting!
:neocat_gun: just amend the ticket istg
Amikke boosted

Last year I started a company, Workbrew, to provide the missing features and support for companies using Homebrew.

Workbrew is now available in private beta. It provides MDM integration, fleet configuration and remote brew command execution.

All our customers get hands-on bespoke support from the longest-running Homebrew maintainer (me!).

Happy to answer any questions here, via DM or book a call with us

Please boost or share with anyone who might be interested. <3

@hyolo on a side note, does anyone know if people can see that I've added them to a list? xD

@hyolo I have a "Crap opinions" list for people who sometimes post cool stuff but also sometimes post political opinions so retarded reading them actively makes me depressed. I look at it only when I feel I have some hope for humanity to spare.

For all the others there are always filters and mutes.

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