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@nixCraft that's essentially what I do lol, since I play games on my desktop or Steam Deck and dev job things on company laptop.

Yeah I'd prefer linux, but good luck with that. At least it has WSL now.

@Hyolobrika @mitchconner @steeznson and of course as you mentioned it allows us to think about concepts we can't put into words at that moment.

@Hyolobrika @mitchconner @steeznson from what I can tell from both my own experience and external sources, our internal monologue isn't actually speech as we know it. It's a chain of thoughts loosely associated with language concepts and if we think on them with the language part of our brain they retroactively get translated into words, but the brain doesn't waste processing power on thinking with exact words all the time. Hence it's easier to have an internal monologue than to speak out loud.

We can also explicitly have an internal monologue coerced into words, but it's more like manual breathing.

I noticed that the most when I learned English enough for my brain to switch to thinking in it for the first time, when I was abroad and had to use it pretty much exclusively for a whole day. Since a language is also a way of thinking, I sometimes catch myself at chaining a Polish-like monologue with English-like monologue without realising it until I try to think back on it more explicitly and realise it doesn't fluently translate into either.

@icedquinn btw, why would you want that? Genuinely interested.

@icedquinn sounds like a nightmare, I'd never be able to sleep knowing I probably left my joystick for the night two degrees rear-left.

Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted

🇬🇧🚨Alert: EU governments are to adopt #ChatControl #MassSurveillance in next Wednesday's Coreper II committee according to our information where abstentions may not be counted as a no!
How will your government vote?

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Amikke boosted

YouTube is currently experimenting with server-side ad injection. This means that the ad is being added directly into the video stream.

This breaks sponsorblock since now all timestamps are offset by the ad times.

For now, I set up the server to detect when someone is submitting from a browser with this happening and rejecting the submission to prevent the database from getting filled with incorrect submissions.

Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted

Did you know that #XScreenSaver (yes, the collection of screensavers for X11) is available on Android?

And that #Google requires it to have a privacy policy in order to be available in the Play Store?

And that the maintainer chose to crowd-source a privacy policy where every item starts with "Unlike Google"?

It's become a great list of all the privacy violations Google did and still does. And I thought that it's gonna be long, but it's even longer than I imagined.

Amikke boosted

@m0xee @Hyolobrika not the YT videos I watch. And yeah, rephrasing the same thought in a different way and context can be helpful or at least bearable, but Rossman just 100% repeats the exact same strings of words he said a few minutes ago.

I guess he's probably used to explaining the same things to different (and the same but slow) people in the same way over and over so it's like an ingrained thought path.

@Hyolobrika I stopped watching him because of just how much he redundantly talks about the same things in the same way, as if his brain is just locked into repeating these thought loops whenever anything related to them is triggered. On the last video I watched I estimated there was about 4 minutes of unique content in like 20 minutes of video.

If I wanted to watch One Piece I'd do that.

Amikke boosted

If you hate Windows, simply switch to Linux so you can hate Linux instead

Amikke boosted

The state of search in 2024:

Google: "We threw away decades of search knowledge and Internet indexing and just made an answer up :blobfoxgoogly:"

Bing: "Here's 100 tangentially related pages from 2010 that I only included because your query appears in a tag cloud in the website's footer"

DuckDuckGo: "Here are the Bing results, only with ✨privacy✨"

Reddit: (this user has deleted their entire post history using PowerDeleteMyShit. Fuck /u/Spez)

Yahoo: "Oh thank god, someone's actually using our search engine! No, we're not just Bing!" *frantically trying to cover up the giant Bing sticker* "NO DON'T GO TO GOOGLE!!!!"

Yandex: "Here are all of the Russian-owned resources on this topic. Only Russian sources are trustworthy. Everything else is fake ne—I MEAN, misinformation"

Kagi: "We'll give you what Google used to give you for free, for the low low price of $10/month!" [hoarse screaming and clawing noises can be heard from the ground beneath a headstone that says "Here lies Jeeves: 1996-2006"]

@evacide woah, a tracking device can be used for tracking? Who woulda thunk?

@mkljczk bez szans, pamiętaj że bańki twoich followersów się nieźle nakładają na Twoją i na siebie nawzajem, szansa na to że w parunastu repostach to nie tylko opuściło Twoją bańkę ale i rozprzestrzeniło się w innych jest praktycznie żadna.

@mkljczk musiałoby się stać turboviralem przebijającym się między bańkami żeby przestało coś mówić o twoich obserwujących.

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