@infobeautiful it's actually why Australia is such a godforsaken hellhole! Humidity arrives from the oceans and is stopped by mountains, and on Australia's latitude the winds mostly blow east→west. So the unfortunately positioned mountain range on the east coast makes the entirety of the continent a desert.
@foone (X)
In the old #ASCII days, you could change a letter between upper and lower case by XORing its character code with 0x20. Of course, if you tried this with anything that wasn't a letter, you'd get nonsense results.
If you try that with #Unicode code points, it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. But Unicode can deliver much more impressive nonsense when it doesn't.
A fun example I just found: the "lower-case" version of CAR is NO PEDESTRIANS.
>>> chr(ord('') ^ 0x20)
I was joking on Tumblr that two things I think the US should do are:
1. Revive the Superconducting Supercollider project (canceled in 1993)
2. Build a ton of high speed rail.
So why not combine the two? With a Superconducting Supercollider Train you could cut the travel time between New York & LA down from 6.5 hours to 13 milliseconds!
@CodingItWrong these SEO spam sites got what they deserve with the AI summaries.
@VD15 the way I think the investors see it, the only way to actually profit off AI with the insane investments being put into it is to corner the market, leaving people no choice but to use one product or a couple of equally expensive alternatives. Which makes it feasible for companies to spend that much money on hardware.
Foreign and/or open serious competition threatens that business model.
to be honest, arduino's compilation time is pretty fast, when you realize it does it all In The Cloud, and it has to make a dial-up connection each time, and that 286 they've got only has 4 modems, so sometimes it has to redial
@anthropy When I was at Microsoft, backwards compatibility was the main excuse the Windows team used for not fixing terrifying design flaws. And yet, I have more success running old 32-bit Windows apps on WINE on an AArch64 CPU (with no 32-bit support in hardware) under emulation in Rosetta than on a modern Windows machine. And they often run faster.
In the last 20 years, WINE has gone from ‘maybe it will work on WINE, if you’re really lucky’ to ‘oh, it doesn’t work on Windows 11? Try WINE on another OS, it will probably be fine’.
The WINE 10.0 change list looks amazing:
- ARM support
- Many graphics pipeline and touch input improvements, could be worth trying this with programs like Paint tool SAI and CSP
- Better high DPI and scaling support
- Native Wayland support
- Improved COM/RPC proxies and calling
- Moving from GStreamer to FFmpeg for decoding things should improve many things, also things like game intro videos etc.
- and much more
Software developer, open-source enthusiast, wannabe software architect. I like learning and comparing different technologies. Also general STEM nerd.