@thor Its important to point out that is not yoru eyes getting worse, its the nature of glasses. If your near sighted your focal point is closer. That usually means you have **superior** near vision and worse farther.
@freemo @thor That explains why I wasn't able to hit targets with an M16A2 style rifle and iron sights. I suspected it had something to do with my corrective lenses. Before the corrective lenses I could easily hit paper plates with the same rifle at 100m.
Can you see better in the dark than other people too? That is without glasses.
@freemo @thor I usually do have better vision in low light than my friends. I was just curious if being near sighted would offer some enhanced perception because of the amount of processing the brain has done with objects that aren't in focus.
Then again it's rather pointless except for hunting as peripheral vision is going to out perform the cones.
@AmpBenzScientist @freemo shooting things - how american
In the dark and close up I am superior yea, but i dont have superior dark vision in general.