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The FX-730p is an evolution of the pocket-computer line that began with the PB 100. It has much more RAM (8KB), a larger display, a simple function evaluator and a "memo" function, that can be used to store simple keyword to multiple values tables. This is not only useful for telephone directories, but also for storing function libraries to be used with the evaluator. The memo-data could also be used in BASIC programs. #retrocomputing #pocket-computer #casio

Another computer in my collection: a PC3, an 8088/MSDOS based computer!

A few years ago, my daughter and I started to write an 2600 game based on Twitter and Trump. We never f8nished it, but here are some screens!

I posted a message to mastodon via ham radio! iPhone via Bluetooth to a Mobilinkd TNC3 modem to BaoFeng UB5R. The signal went about 4 miles to the UT Austin Amateur Radio Club's antenna on top of Physics building (KA5D) where their iGate send it to 4X5MG whose bot posted it. Pretty neat!

Fine, Java MIGHT be a good example of what a programming language should be like. But Java applications are good examples of what applications SHOULDN'T be like. #quotes #programming

I've just recently learned that you can follow hashtags in mastodon. Game changer!

Did you know that if you capitalize each word in a multi-word hashtag, #ScreenReaders can read them as words, but if you leave them lowercase, they can't? Well, now you know! So, for #accessibility, please capitalize words when there's more than one in a hashtag.

I see a lot of people talking about how Mastodon "Feels like the Internet I remember from 20 years ago."

That's no accident. That's Federation. That's UseNet, IRC, Email, Message Boards, etc. What do they all have in common?

Federation: Users congregating around watering holes of common interest, but still being a part of a larger whole.


This is my "Atari STe": a new board made by Exxos, the Phoenix. Almost all parts taken from a donor and installed, by me, in this one. Lots of improvements compared with the original.

cc: @Dbug

"This situation" (for the people that knows what I'm talking about) must be similar to what happened to : you can buy the brand, but still kill the spirit of a company.

Let's start with the obvious: my fascination with (and, in the picture, part of my collection of) computers and, in general, vintage computing.

How to deal with a slow computer and an unsupported OS like Win11 on that computer? Install #línux and be done with it. You just saved bunch of monies :P

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.