@vortaro Ah, that's a definition of "circular" which I totally forgot about. Mia kulpo
@vortaro Mi pensi ke adjetivoj finiĝas per "a"
I thought that adjectives ended with "a"
James Webb Space Telescope
Sunshield Tensioning Complete
The Sunshield is Fully Deployed!
@mur2501 Some poor fool may have read this code later... (probably me)
# best of luck!
@mushambo It's just twitter but decentralized with optional federation between separate instances.
After years of python coding. The quality of my Python code has seen a remarkable renaissance in the past few months. I think owe a lot of it to learning how to write Rust code and then adopting dataclasses/pydantic + MyPy. Better structure, better planning, and stuff often just works right out the gate. Of course it also helps that I am doing it full time now...
Such an awesome Pepper and Carrot: https://www.peppercarrot.com/en/webcomic/ep33_Spell-of-War.html
Astonishing Earthen Structures Showcase Early Native Americans' Engineering Skills