Hey you; you are beautiful and amazing and wonderful and loved.
At #supercon I was checking continuity while soldering, but couldn't hear the beeps well. @maketvee found it quite amusing that I held the multimeter to my ear with my shoulder. His image and captions *are* pretty funny, but he may also have inadvertently launched my new career as an LED hotline operator!
It's a LOT out there in the world right now and it has been for what feels like eternity.
We're all going through a lot. Hold some grace for each other and yourself.
Be kind. To yourself too.
Remember that you aren't alone. We're all in this together.
It's 12:31 PM Eastern and I'm glad you are alive.
Thank you for being here with me.
Just a little late-night day-before-Supercon making. Coasters, because I think some people could use a daily reminder of this on their desk, and because you and your presence in tech matters to me. At Alpenglow Industries, we give the very classiest of fucks.
It's 10:55 AM Eastern and I'm glad you are alive.
Thank you for being here with me.
This morning a friend told me that @hackaday put an article up on their blog about my talk at last year's Supercon. This may shock you, but I have some feelings about this, starting with the last sentence "If you want to see more awesome talks like this..." implying that Supercon is the place to go for them. Well my friends, with half the number of women speakers this year as last year, and even worse diversity, I have to heartily disagree. A thread. 1/
I'm excited to finally meet in person many people that I admire, but the lack of diversity at my first @hackaday #SuperCon speakers is so disappointing. It's an issue that has been brought up with leadership, but they seem to not care or want to actively address.
Full set of eChallengeCoins from @bradanlane, with a Black Hat coin for scale.
I won't have time to dig in to the challenges until after Supercon, but I had to get them all out of their cases and admire them. Beautiful work, Bradán!
Get yours here, they're on sale! https://www.tindie.com/stores/bradanlane
It's 12:05 AM Eastern and I'm glad you are alive.
Thank you for being here with me.
Today's exciting mail delivery is Vol. 87 of @makemagazine with my geometric Illuminated tote bag on the cover!
Okay, so, #Supercon. Inclusion. First I want to say this thread is NOT meant to detract from the respect I have for the folks presenting. But pixels have been lit about the general white/maleness of the speaker lineup, and it's worth unpacking. In over two dozen talks, there are only three women, and no Black presenters. It's frustrating because it doesn't reflect the diversity I see in my community. And yet I also recognize where I've failed on this account myself. We have work to do; a THREAD:
Looking for contact: Arthur ‘Art’ Fury worked for the company Signetics in Santa Clara, Ca in the years 1970-1972. Likely longer. In 1972, he left Signetics and went to National Semiconductor.
Specialized in analog integrated circuits and worked in marketing/ advertising.
Art Fury worked with Hans Camenzind with InterDesign on the 555 timer.
Do you know somebody that might have known Art Fury in the late 1960s to the mid 1970s? Thank you for your help. Please Reblog for reach.
Hacker/maker, inventor, nerd, apprentice knife-maker, Co-Founder of
. Rapid prototyper. Member of
http://youtube.com/blenster (he/him)