Looking for contact: Arthur ‘Art’ Fury worked for the company Signetics in Santa Clara, Ca in the years 1970-1972. Likely longer. In 1972, he left Signetics and went to National Semiconductor.
Specialized in analog integrated circuits and worked in marketing/ advertising.
Art Fury worked with Hans Camenzind with InterDesign on the 555 timer.
Do you know somebody that might have known Art Fury in the late 1960s to the mid 1970s? Thank you for your help. Please Reblog for reach.
I must have some sort of reputation, because I recently received two fantastic gifts in the same theme. The first, a fascinating and extremely comprehensive book on illumination from 1942, was very thoughtfully sent by @MakeAugusta. The second, from the educational nonprofit where I volunteer, is a detailed LED diagram mug. Last summer I taught campers that LED stands for "Light Emitting Diode," and next summer I'll be able to quiz them on an LED's detailed internal structure!
It's 4:17 PM Eastern and I'm glad you are alive.
Thank you for being here. I know it's not always easy.
Remember: you ARE worth it
I don't know about the rest of it but my part of the world is better because you are in it with me.
Thank you.
Here's your periodic reminder that your "fume extractor" is likely just a small fan with a chunk of filter on it. If the room you're soldering, 3D printing, laser cutting, etc, in doesn't have good ventilation at least open a window or something.
This spike in AQI (caused by a corresponding spike in PM2.5, TVOC & HCHO) was me soldering before I remembered to turn on my exhaust fan and crack open the window. 😬
Luckily my air quality monitor is in direct view of my soldering station.
Psst hey kid. Want to see what 1,000 Sensor Watch boards look like?
It's a lot right now. It's been a lot for a long, long time now. If you're feeling the weight of all that and everything else going on in your life: that's natural.
Remember we're not alone. Be there for each other. Together we can make it through all this.
It's 5:43 PM Eastern and I'm glad you are alive.
It's been Rather A Lot for a long time now and it is getting worse; remember that I'm pulling for you.
It’s Maker Faire Saturday! Visit us in the first building on the left after the entrance! We’ve got our soldering kits - both through-hole and surface mount, our solder-less kits where you twist together a circuit, and we’ve got some kits from friends! We’ve got Learn to Solder kits Blink, Hue, and Jitterbug and their cool new soldering mats!
Fibonacci1024 emulated on HyperPixel 2.1 Round high res display for @Raspberry_Pi
HyperPixel: https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/hyperpixel-round
Setup instructions: https://gist.github.com/jasoncoon/ecee70aa555d5fdbee466fa0d1cedbdb
Python code: https://gist.github.com/jasoncoon/1e288121f00111496d1cdd2926471db6
Subway Sea Serpent in Time Out NY! So, funny story: when I first visited New York in 2006, a guy on the plane told me to check out Time Out NY for things to do. It’s like my first memory of coming to visit the city. And now our sculpture is #1 on the list of best outdoor art to check out this fall: https://www.timeout.com/newyork/art/best-outdoor-art-in-nyc
….and we’re lit! (maybe in more ways than one soon, as the beer tent is just outside). Come visit us at Maker Faire Bay Area this weekend! It’s already been awesome to meet people who have some of our kits! Remember, you’ll get a sticker if you show us something you made! We’re in the first building on your left after the entrance, at the far end near the photo booth.
It's 12:21 AM Eastern and I'm glad you are alive.
Thank you for being here with me.
Mostly because I want to watch all of them later, I've made this YouTube playlist with as many of the @hackaday prize finalists as I could. Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6SEx33cboI&list=PL7vF5w4jtsnfN-dVpka1sDPHsu_r4oDqG
Not every video was embeddable (or on YouTube) so I'm including these additional six as direct links:
holy shit it's done. The Open Book submitted for the 2023 Hackaday Prize, with 45 minutes to spare. https://hackaday.io/project/192688-the-open-book/log/224217-the-hackaday-prize-video
OPEN BOOK OWNERS! A call for help. I'm putting together a video about the Open Book for the Hackaday Prize, and I'd love to include photos of your book wherever it is in the world. Can you post a photo of the Open Book with the backdrop of something interesting in your town? Or just a photo of the device on its own. I want to showcase what the community has already done with Open Book. THANK YOU!
Hacker/maker, inventor, nerd, apprentice knife-maker, Co-Founder of
. Rapid prototyper. Member of
http://youtube.com/blenster (he/him)