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Jay boosted

Trying out this place. Very confused so far.

Jay boosted

Hello! Introducing myself including proper hashtags. I am Paula Marques Figueiredo, #Geologist working in #Paleoseimology, #ActiveTectonics, #Geomorphology, #Soils and #Geochronology (#OSL and #Cosmogenics). I work with #Earthquakes, #NaturalHazards, frequently #Trenching evidence of them. I am a native of #Portugal, living in the USA. My favorite earthquake is the #1755LisbonEarthquake (obviously)!

Jay boosted
Jay boosted

Huh. I could just run my own instance. That would be really fun to put on my completely unrelated medical resume.

I wonder how much processing power it would take and if you could squeeze it in on a free host.

Jay boosted

I couldn't resist trying this after (like half they planet) seeing so much about it on Twitter. But honestly I already see it as a vast improvement. When you compare how Twitter started to where it is today seems to be the trajectory for most advert supported platforms. You just do not get to see as much of the content you are actually interested in. YouTube is another culprit for that.

Removing the limits looks like it will really help develop some longer form communication - which in my field will definitely help. We cannot always summarise compress ideas into a few characters 😂

Looking forward to seeing how this goes!

@msilpala It was the same for me. I assumed it is the QOTO instance's admin or host

Jay boosted

Aphid eater hoverfly, Eupeodes sp., looking stunning on a rosemary flower just yesterday, November 4th. Pembroke college, Cambridge, UK.

As in most flies, the eyes seem bigger than the head itself, and often touch each other dorsally. Large eyes alongside tiny antennae is a great distinguishing feature to tell flies apart from wasps. Often, as is the case here, flies present a color pattern similar to that of a wasp: Batesian mimicry which offers protection against predation.

Amusingly, a cook passed by to collect a bunch for “formal hall”, that is, dinner.

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.