I feel sorry only for the 19 year old. It was a quintessential Rush Job.



Now that the 19 year old's mom has spoken up to say he registered with Guinness Records in anticipation of being on it for solving the Rubik Cube in his routine 12 seconds but at the Titanic's depth at sea.

He was excited to go, contrary to some reports that I read that he was terrified and was doing it only because of being with daddy.

Like the other 4 on that sub, the 19 year old was actually on an ego trip.

@ClaraListensprechen4 Oh huh, yeah, that does change the perspective a bit.

You'd have to ask him how much he knew. At 19 years old I'll wager he didn't simply go entirely on what his dad told him about it. He was on board with a 77 year old who knew everything there was to know about it including the warning letters about it.

He was on board with the man who designed and, albeit superficially, tested the thing, so that was a presumed guarantee. How much anybody knew about the sub going aboard the thing is pretty much immaterial.

The bigger legal question is whether or not being 19 years of age is sufficient to legally sign the liability agreement he signed...or did his dad sign it for him because he was under 21?

To answer that question one must also answer the question of which jurisdiction's laws govern the answer to that question--Washington state, Massechusetts, or Bahamas?

@ClaraListensprechen4 If you look at how the CEO spoke to the press, he more or less dismissed every concern about safety, and acted as if it was a risk akin to hopping into a car.

@olives Oh I certainly heard him in his own words about that, and he certainly had an overly bloated opinion of himself, clearly.

But what I was unable to see clearly is the details of the debris as it was being loaded. I got a better view via the BBC and find that you were correct about the viewport afte all. It was in fact missing and the lift strap did indeed get threaded thru the port hole. I saw a couple other things too...

...on the side panel, I saw locations where fasteners wouild have held it against whatever it was fastened to but those locations were completely ripped from the panel (upper left) but upper right which would have also been fastened, there were no such rips.

Something else that makes me go "hmmmm!"

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