ELI5. There is only 6% death rate on deaths solely attributed to COVID-19?
Comorbidity is way higher.
Millions of people have more than one preexisting condition. I myself have hypertension, which makes me predisposed to severe symptoms of COVID.
If not for COVID, the vast majority of those who died would not have died.
COVID attaches to ACE-2 receptors in the lungs. Certain diseases increase or are caused by higher than average receptor density. However, it's not the receptors that cause death, but the virus that attaches to it.
@EVoCeO @freemo
I also wonder if it's still true that nicotine is preventative, and if so, why aren't cigars or pipes being prescribed (due to their significantly lower risk of other health impacts compared to cigarettes).
If nicotine is preventive why on earth would thry prescribe cigars or pipes.. they would prescribe nicotine inhalers or gum.
@Demosthenes @EVoCeO
Because they have class? :)
@Demosthenes @EVoCeO
There is an old surgeon General health study that, is I recall correctly, showed that pipe smokers lived longer than people who were non smokers. Not sure if there's equivalent studies about vapes or nicotine gum.
@freemo @SecondJon @Demosthenes This is an interesting question. Would nicotine inhalation have a greater impact on the virus since the nicotine would go straight into the alveolus? Or does it matter since it ends up in the blood stream?
Not really sure, I doubt we are even all that certain nicotein helps at all to be honest.
I wonder if an objective study of the studies of studies would be more confident in face masks or nicotine.
Maybe Trump can take the opposite position and be more Churchillian at the same time - Biden with his face covered, Trump with a cigar.🤣
Using both may double our chances of health. Off to make a medical purchase at the local tobacconist. 😂
@freemo @SecondJon @Demosthenes only cuz you don’t have any comorbidities!! But I agree. So will I.
I understand the assertion, my questions were about the quality and contents of the data.
@EVoCeO @freemo