@anornymorse @teslanaut you aren't wrong. The MSM pushes a narrative of fear to increase viewership. They are evil and should be ignored.
However, that doesn't mean COVID isn't an issue. My wife runs ventilators at a hospital, and she is telling me that cases are going up a lot. The data backs her up.
@teslanaut @anornymorse "deaths have not caught up with those cases at all." This is true only if hospitals don't become overrun. Which they could if it's allowed to spread exponentially, which some regions are doing.
@teslanaut @anornymorse we locked down when we saw Italy and China become overloaded. Our entire economy has changed because of it. That's why it hasn't spiked as much.
60+ year olds deserve to live too.
@anornymorse @teslanaut the data shows that remdesevir works far better than HCQ. But yes, we are improving our therapeutics, that's a big part of why the death rate is declining.
Ventilator use is a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-dont situation. The people who get put on them would 100% die without them, but only 30% of people who end up on one survive. It's tough.
@anornymorse @teslanaut death rates are going down absolutely. The trouble though is that many people need medical care(oxygen & meds) to survive. If we let this spread unregulated, hospitals would get overrun and the death rates would skyrocket.
We saw this in both China and Italy. The hospitals got overrun, people died, and panic nearly set in.
@teslanaut that means they found 72 more cases in addition to all the others compared to yesterday. So yesterday they found 2358 new cases but today they found 2430.
@teslanaut the number of new cases fluctuate from day to day. Some people try to "tough it out" as they approach the weekend only to spike on the weekend. It can also be from bursts of people getting sick from a specific superspreader event. That's why sites like covidactnow.org use several-day running averages for their graphs, so they can smoothe it out a bit.
@teslanaut 2430 people have tested positive in the last 24 hours, that's what it's saying
#QOTOjornal journal is misspelled here
@devurandom@cybre.space just as the rise of Hitler led to an analysis of what allowed such a man to gain power(the Weimar Republic being absolutely shafted economically and politically after WW1), hopefully his election will cause people to ask themselves: why would people vote for him? There are many political issues that led to his election that, if left unaddressed, could easily lead to another Trump being elected in the future.
@gokulnc equal _rights_ should be a thing. What annoys me though is that people expect this to produce equal _outcomes_. People nowadays assume that men and women are the same, which is patently false. There's an entire chromosome difference, leading to a massive difference in average physical and psychological differences between the two genders.
Men and women and different. That will lead to them chosing different careers. We shouldn't push men to go into nursing or educating if they don't want to, and we shouldn't push women to go into software development or logging if they don't want.
Personally, I'm convinced that the trend towards diversity in all ways is simply to prevent unionization.
@RangerJohn in the southern hemisphere this year, the cases of flu have fallen off a cliff. I read somewhere that the flu is about 0.25x as infective as COVID, so the masks and whatnot are really reducing it this year.
@infoking @FairyMinx825@brighteon.social trouble is that this amplifies their echo chamber, which is part of how we got into this mess in the first place.
@mike it's way better in my opinion, on par with or slightly surpassing Ubuntu in usability and stability while having more up-to-date software and kernels. Dnf is an adjustment though
@xyzzy look at pouch
@thewk that's why I recommend carrying a little bottle of gelled acetone (acetone with Styrofoam mixed in)
When we see something on the news that we know about, we always think "That's not right!" We then forget about that and believe everything else we see.
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