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It is so pleasant to read through a timeline of updates from accounts I've chosen, without a sponsored or recommended post in every other slot. Feels like back when the whole social media thing was still more social than commercial, when I was still young and optimistic

:catblush: I know it's soooo bad what Elon did to Twitter, really.

But I've been running this server for over 3 years now to flee Twitter and somehow it feels things are falling into place...

I have met such amazing and wonderful people here on the Fediverse that I consider my true friends no matter where they live❤️

The only thing I want is for you to have the same and here you have a chance do that just that!

It looks like another surge of twitter users might be on the way... One user just mentioned some drama over at twitter with musk locking out employees. I looked at the users bot (see attached quote) and youll notice a distinctive spike starting to form off to the right... here we go

Mastodon Users  
6,895,335 accounts +6,411 in the last hour +43,916 in the last day +407,557 in the last week

Is this thing on?
I joined twitter 9 years ago, skeptical of what I would find. But it turned out to be incredibly valuable for me. I'm sad to see what has come of it, and not very hopeful. I'm glad there is an alternative. I like a lot of the ideas behind mastodon, but I'm also a bit skeptical in a different way. But I'll give it a shot. Hopefully, I'll be pleasantly surprised again.

Twitter right now be like the last day of summer camp with everyone crying and exchanging contact info

The twitter outages graph looks remarkably similar to the mastodon new user graph.... just saying ;)

On a positive note, today I submitted my draft post-doctoral proposal, which builds on my Ph.D. dissertation. In addition, my dissertation is now about 90% complete and I have the body written, now just need to get the conclusion and defense going. Things are moving!

📣 I’ll be admitting 1-2 PhD students to work in the area of CS Education, Ed Tech Design, #HCI, and cultural studies. I’d love students who are interested in working with low-income African American and Hispanic communities, or in low income areas in West Africa.

Please apply to the Human Centered Computing PhD program Georgia Tech @ICatGT. Apps are due Dec 15 - no GRE required. DM me if you have specific questions about your fit for my work or the program.

Highly recommended fancy German hot cocoa! You can buy it in America for somewhat exorbitant prices, but cheaper than flying to Europe.

Hi, I'm Cristina, an italian professional working in , where I lead a master program in of .

I hate writing so I don't know how it happened that I started two blogs, wrote books, magazine colums, and papers ... All about , , and .

I enjoy exploring weird conversations on social media, and sharing memes on Telegram.

I love :blobcatboo: , 🎶 👽 and
I spend my freetime playing (and filling my timeline after the

Hi hi! Deepu here. Cognitive Neuroscience Memory researcher. My intentions are to imbue Mastafon with 30% cool science, 40% irreverence, 20% puppies, %10 innocuous cyber bullying of colleagues. #introduction


I'm a professor at Penn State studying how attention and memory let us build internal representations. I use #behavior, #psychophysics, #electrophysiology, and #computational-modelling.

I’m also a founder of #Neuromatch, which is hoping to democratizing access to science.

Most recently we’ve been working on a new model of scientific #publishing.

Very happy to see how Mastodon is taking off!

I am an associate professor at the Gatsby Computation Neuroscience Unit and Sainsbury Wellcome Centre at UCL and visiting scientist at .

I think we're pretty amazing learners and my goal is to unravel the computational principles governing learning in artificial and biological systems. I'm broadly interested in the theory of deep learning and applications to neuroscience and psychology.

Finally finding time for my Mastodon #introduction!

I am a Senior Scientist at the Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest in Toronto, Canada. I am also an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto.

My research uses multimodal neuroimaging techniques to study cognitive aging, with a special focus on memory and the functional organization of the medial temporal lobes.

Read more here:

Mastodon growing pains... switched servers and my #introduction is gone, so let me try again, this time with hashtags!

My #cognitiveneuroscience lab studies #learning, #memory, and #sleep using empirical as well as #computationalmodeling approaches.

(Did I do it right?)

My optimism about Mastodon has been oscillating at high amplitude and frequency, but my fingers are tightly crossed that we will be able to rebuild our science community here!

Hello everyone, I've made the leap to Mastodon! 👋

I'm Charlotte, a Lecturer in Psychology at Aston University, Birmingham 👩‍🎓 🏫

My research expertise lies in addictive behaviours and social cognition and I am passionate about science done right #OpenScience

I am the Author of: "A Student's Guide to Open Science: Using the Replication Crisis to Reform Psychology", which will be published in January 2023

Great to be here, and to see you all again!


Time for a #hashtag #introduction

I come from the #birdsite to #mastodon looking for other like minded people and to escape Elon's hellsite. I chose the @SDF instance b/c I support their mission and all they do. I also used their free #unix shell years ago.

I have an interest in
#politics #uspolitics
#computers #computing
#webdesign #webdevelopment
#linux #windows #android
#software #games
#retrogames #retrogaming

post-migration re-#introduction:

I'm an assistant professor in the School of Information at #umich. I develop computational methods to study conversations, in the vein of #computationalsocialscience #datascience #nlp #nlproc, with #socialcomputing #cscw #emca #hci #linguistics in my peripheral vision.

I have a dog whose yawns, out of context, can be construed as screaming. I maintain a messy mapping of books to cafés at

Having switched servers, I should give another #intro: I’m a #geneticist with a background in #neuroscience, #evodevo, #HumanGenetics, and #MarineBio. These days I work in #PublicHealth and #epi spaces, doing #DataScience, #sequencing, and #rnd, usually in #R. I used to be a #sysadmin, for my sins.

#PunkMusic, punk ethos, all things #ocean, cranky lefty #politics, #cocktails, #ttrpg, and #baking are all pretty much guaranteed if you stick around.

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