Is #Scuttlebutt or the #fediverse the social network of the future?
It's time to build our own Internet
Scuttlebutt Protocol Guide
Scuttlebut & the fediverse both have many clients (software apps). However, Scuttlebut is a social network built on the peer-to-peer SSB protocol.
The Manyverse (For Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux) looks similar to #mastodon.
Manyverse is a social networking app with features you would expect: posts, likes, profiles, private messages, etc. But it's not running in the cloud owned by a company, instead, your friends' posts and all your social data live entirely in your phone (or computer). This way, even when you're offline, you can scroll, read anything, and even write posts and like content! When your phone (or computer) is back online, it syncs the latest updates directly with your friends' phones, through a shared local Wi-Fi or on the internet.
Manyverse already works, but it is still in beta. Download it and give it a try
The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you. (GRETA THUNBERG, 2019 UN Climate Action Summit)
We hope that what #Wales does today, the world will do tomorrow. Action, more than words, is the hope for our current and future generations. (NIKHIL SETH, head of sustainable development, United Nations Development Programme)
#sustainability #book #climate #ClimateAction
The graph shows that greenhouse gas emissions are rising (a trend). This trend also infers the general trends of human behaviors. #psychology
Therefore, it's rational to forecast that humanity, or business, politics, and lifestyles as usual, will not mitigate climate change (in general).
As #ClimateChange mitigates humanity, and more positive reinforcers come into effect, how long will mono-industrial consumerist societies be able to function?
During this period (present & future) of escalating climate change-related disruption, what forms of culture will emerge?
#future #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #adaptation #evolution
Fake Plastic People News!
An elderly man from the Seaside town of Dystopiania has found some grains of sand amongst the plastic.
#satire #plastic #consumerism #industry #shopping #extinction #ocean #wildlife #climate
Generally, many people want to sing kumbaya around a campfire whilst deluding themselves that the campfire's smoke emissions aren't toxic.
However, for those that are aware that the #ClimateCrisis is now inevitable (it is already happening - depending on location), The Post Carbon Institutes Crazy Town podcast is a more sane analysis of all things climate-related
Crazy Town: Episode 75. How to Lose Friends and Demoralize People: The #Science (sic!) of Near-Term #Extinction
The photograph is of some crazy-looking clever guy called Einstein, who apparently said "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
Of course, within the context of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, most people (of the world) aren't expecting different results - they're simply either being forced (e.g., gotta pay the rent) or choosing to take part in work and recreational activities that are emitting greenhouse gas emissions.
One thing is for sure, #business as usual is friggin crazy considering the consequences.
#climate #ClimateHeating #ClimateChange #humour #psychology #sustainability #technology #physics #ecology
Hi #climate activists (only the genuine ones)
My account at Climate "Justice" social was suspended (deleted) with zero due processes (no warning nor written reason was given. How ironic. "Justice"?)
Though this essay mentions probably why.
With no admin accountability, we can only guess what goes on behind the scenes. So, #twitter users should feel right at home on #mastodon ;-)
If you were following me at or @empiricism and would like to re-follow. This is the account.
#sustainability #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis #JustStopOil #FossilFuels #extinction #degrowth #NationalHealthService #NHS #democracy #accountability #equity #AntiRacism #lgbt #justice #ecology #Conservation #biology
Evidently, there is a security flaw in Mastodon (see screenshot). It's not prudent to trust unknown admins with our #data.
Therefore, how do we make the #Fediverse admins more accountable? Or, should the fediverse be developed to be more user-friendly - so that we can connect directly to the network without having to depend on servers? (that is do-able. e.g., p2p networks)
#software #SocialMedia #data #hack #admin #justice #activism #equity
Say no to #BigBrother #network #surveillance or unjust #admin #employers #corporations #corruption
Conservation Biologist. Tooting about #science #ecology #sustainability #evolution #psychology & whatever subject takes my interest.
Empiricism aims (intentions) are to promote accurate evidence-based information. The general theme of this account is related to promoting #sustainable development. Sustainable development requires mitigating ecological degradation therefore also mitigating #ClimateChange & its associated drivers such as pollution & habitat degradation. This account will not “sugar-coat” the required level of changes needed for humanity to reverse the trend of human-caused ecological degradation.
Historically, & presently, climate change is mitigating humanity (e.g., increases in the frequency & intensity of heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, sea level rise, flash floods, pathogen outbreaks, etc)
Since no one person be informed of all the scientific literature, if a reader thinks that Empiricism makes a statement that is not backed up by the general scientific literature, please refer Empiricism to the relevant peer-reviewed science publication (e.g., paper or website)
Because a Mastodon instance can close down without warning or a Mastodon admin can suspend an account without warning - Empiricism regularly backups the “follows” & “followers” lists. Therefore, if Empiricism can not access this account (e.g., a suspension means the account can’t be moved to another instance), Empiricism will open an account on another Mastodon instance & re-follow the follows list and contact (e.g., direct message) the follower's list (e.g., requesting if people would like to re-follow)
I use The Empirical Perspective blog on WordPress as a digital signature - so that people can be more confident that it’s the same “Empiricism”
Here is the link to Empiricism digital signature
#music #nature #wildlife
#science #climate #ClimateChange #CleanAir
#sustainability #ecology #AgroEcology
#psychology #SocialPsychology #EvolutionaryPsychology
#justice #AntiBigotry