### 3-layered apple pie, edition #2
The [first attempt](https://qoto.org/@FailForward/107628311117783248) was fine and tasted well, but there were several things which needed improvement. Primarily the size of the recipe.
So I applied some bugfixes and made the edition #2. Half ingredients, better juicier taste, a bit of a sharper touch of lemon, just fine now. I don't even know what's to be improved still.
@chiasm @adamasnemesis What always irks me are the situational details of these paintings which I just cannot "unsee": 1) she's very relaxed, as if she was sitting there since at least 5 minutes and just looks back at the painter/viewer; at the same time 2) she's completely dry, not a drop of water on her body anywhere; while 3) waves keep coming and going and splashing around like every 5 seconds or so.
So something clearly is off... 🤔
@charlie_root@social.linux.pizza @thegibson
I guess the thing is that podcast is one of experience, while the old music just keeps giving so generates money long-term. See also a good discussion of this by Rick Beato here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYX1YFiQTDw
@pony I don't know what formats those engines can process, but there is a whole cottage industry of interior modelling software and there are plenty of 3D models of various furniture. Maybe Unreal et al. can import such files too, or there might be a straightforward conversion for them, no clue. I needed some IKEA pieces before, but a lot of those models are for money.
Anyhow, my starting point advice is SweetHome3D program which can import standard formats. A good starting point listing a number of sites with 3D models of furniture is here: http://www.sweethome3d.com/importModels.jsp
@piggo There's no "dislike/unstar" button here, so here you go 😉
@henri Not that it's fine, or something, just most people do not realize that all that money which is mentioned in this table actually does not exist. Vast majority of those figures is in company shares which are valued at that price point, but it's not real money and you cannot buy anything real for it quickly. Nor can these gentlemen freely and easily convert it all into cash at their free will. So while they indeed have access to vast amounts of money indeed, it's certainly not so that this is on their bank accounts - which is what most normal people think.
Just saying.
@piggo Thanks for asking. I just checked, all is well here.
Polar bears on an abandoned island
Russian underwater and wildlife photographer Dmitry Kokh took a trip of a lifetime to an abandoned meteorological station on Kolyuchin Island. This small island, located in the Chukchi Sea, is in a remote area of the Russian arctic. While humans have long since left the area, Kokh discovered that there are other creatures making themselves comfortable. Polar bears have overtaken the station, turning the old buildings into cozy homes and, from the looks of it, thriving.
#photo #photography #DmitryKokh #bears #polarbears #nature #wildlife #abandoned #island
by Dmitry Kokh
@Nasenspray Genauso sehe ich as auch. Ich bin auch kein Englisch "native speaker". Fuer mich ist es einfach eine praktische Sache Englisch zu sprechen/schreiben. In manchen Sprachen kann ich mich nicht ganz einfach, oder genau genug auszudrucken. Oder, wie auf Deutsch, ich weiss ich mache so viele Fehler dass das Endresultat ein bisschen Kindisch, oder vielleicht auc nicht ganz klar zu lesen wird.
Am Ende ist es egal. Hauptsache dass wir uns _irgendwie_ verstehen. Ich finde es ganz toll so einfach zu so vielen Menschen aus anderen Kulturen zu sprechen koennen.Trotz alles was ueber soziale Medien geklagt wird, ist dies eine tolle "Feature".
Achtung, ich bin auch ein weißer Mann
> us-amerikanische weiße Männer sind wirklich oft ganz furchtbar implizit rassistisch.
Ouch! Dann schlage ich vor auch CW "Deutsche Man spricht"/"Man spricht"/"Achtung Mensch!"/usw. zu benutzen. Uebrigens, ich habe ein paar AfD MItglieder gehoert und muss sagen, manche Deutsche Maenner und Frauen sind wirklich implizit rassistisch. Dannach habe ich auch gemerkt dass manche Leute sind einfach implizit, und manchmal auch explizit rassistisch. Did you know?
Am Ende waere es vielleicht nutzvoll wenn wir alle bei unseren Toots auch unseren Lebenslauf gleich posten
Come on, relax a bit 🙂 . This is a good day.
> if you are unable to, at least apologize
Entschuldige mich dann bitte. Ich habe irgendwelche Grenzen verstossen ueber die ich nie nagedacht habe und ueber die ich nichts weiss.
OFF TOPIC RANT FOLLOWS - (please please please(!) don't read if your sensitivities get aroused too easily): Sieh, ich bin ein einfache Kerl und ich finde alle diese "Tanzen" ein bisschen uebertrieben. Vielleicht ist es auch eine Sache des Alters (bin kein Gen-Z oder so). Ich will einfach als ein Mensch zu anderen Menschen sprechen. Es wird zu schwierig miteinander zu sprechen wenn wir zu Sensitiv sein - dann sind Landminen ueberall. Ich will kommunizieren, ich will zu Dir (Ihnen?) einfach als ein Mensch sprechen und dass ist alles. Sich zu entschuldigen muessen wegens andere Sprache, oder wegens Sprachenwechsel in einem Deutschem Thread auf eine offene Platform finde ich echt absurd. Sorry.
Troztdem, meine Entschuldigung da oben ist echt. Ich habe es nicht als Ironie, oder so gemeint.
I don't believe in "follow your passion" mantra. It was expressed in a very eloquent way by Ben Horrowitz here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaSqh4DiQSw
Wait for after 8:40.
> Don't follow your passion. Follow your contribution. Find the thing you are great at and put that out to the world.
That's how you'll contribute more.
@Nasenspray Well, it's an existential question, isn't it? 😉
@Nasenspray I don't think it's a good question to ask: "when did other people knew what they want?" It's too heavy and it implies a somewhat "static" world: nach dem Abi hab ich realisiert dass ich bei Feuerwehr arbeiten will und dass habe ich auch biss zu meinem Tot gemacht". Does the world still work that way? One profession, you arrive and then stay there for ever? Maybe. But I find much more satisfying the prospect of being able to move "through" life. World is changing and so are we. So perhaps a better topic for the 15-years old to contemplate could be "Where do I want to start exploring what I want to achieve in this world one day?" All that with full knowledge that it's just a start and you can become many things in life. If you give yourself 15-20 years to be one thing and be good at it, you have 2-3, maybe 4 professions, careers in one life. Isn't that a cool prospect? You can be one thing and then move on as you develop and mature to become something even more interesting/satisfying/fulfilling and so on until you really find what defines you. And along the way you mature, collect experience and wisdom so that when you figure it out, you'll have a shot being really broad person and good at what you want to be your life's legacy. I really find it appealing to see people moving from corporate finance to becoming a teacher, or the other way round. From a factory floor worker to become an entrepreneur, or perhaps get into elderly care - I see people like this around me and I admire it.
My point is this: when you think about it as a start of a journey as 15-years old with an open-ended finale, it takes away a lot of that heavy weight of decision. "How do I want my life to be defined, what do I want to be?" That is a very heavy question to ponder at 15. Actually starting almost anywhere is as good as anything else. It's more important to be conscious that it's just a start and you'll be exploring and moving so as to eventually figure out what you really "want to be".
@mathias English lang books are of course plentyful on Amazon, so then that's probably an easy choice...
@mathias I was solving exactly that problem recently. I think it boils down to 1) the language in which the little reader consumes; and 2) availability of good content at various local marketplaces. In my case, browsing my local Amazon porfolio quickly showed that it's a non-starter for my little reader.
Another consideration for me was the format in which the local/national library lends e-books. Again, Amazon was quickly a no-go.
@mathias Kobo?
> I dug a hole inside my heart
> To put you in your grave.
> At this point it was you and me,
> And mama didn't raise no slave.
> You took my face in both your hands
> And looked me in the eye
> And I went down with such a force
> That in your grave I lie.
> [Brandi Carlile: Raise Hell](https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/brandicarlile/raisehell.html)
* in concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYhXFnRnJfQ
* official audio https://soundcloud.com/brandicarlile/raise-hell?si=e8e90b426f7b4f5a92a4e15e5355602d&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Exploring, failing, backtracking, just to identify the only viable path forward. And then scarred, stumbling forward into the future. Learning.
Boring and steady. Knowing little and questioning a lot. Mostly harmless.
This is an experimental scrapbook space. A collection of stuff I want to keep in a form somewhere on the spectrum between a blog and a shoe-box full of scraps, cut-outs, quotes, links and reading notes and sometimes my own silly thoughts about them.
Perhaps it might be of marginal interest to others too, but I don't care that much.