@leah It's evolving and I already see the transition "Content note" --> "Content hint" --> "Subject". Good luck there, good idea.
@piggo They shouldn't even. My advice:
1. November: prototype/B-version
1. eat them around St. Nicholas day
1. 20th Dec: production version
@piggo getting ready for Christmas?
> Can't seem to upload videos here so it's a gif without sound.
Upload to peertube and link perhaps.
Just a side note on how to do automated IFTTT style automation on weather if you don't mind that you'll get measurements from somebody else and it might be few kms far away - which for wind is OK. There is [APRS protocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_Packet_Reporting_System) which many better weather stations (among other things which speak APRS) speak and there is a whole network of open stations out there. You can have a look e.g., here: https://aprs.fi. Now all those APRS-enabled wx stations report to [CWOP network](https://www.weather.gov/cle/CWOP) and their data can be scraped from findu.com - you just need to look up the correct callsign. For instance this one is in Prague 6 (Studentska ulice): https://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/wxpage.cgi?call=fw4588
I did some things this way in the past. But now I am looking for my own gadget.
@pony It's bulky, that's my problem. I don't want anything protruding more than 2-3cm from the wall. Firstly, I don't care as I said, secondly, it takes space, fourth, I am sure I would just rip it off or break eventually by some stupid move around, and fifth I live at a place where we do have pretty strong winds few times a year, so if badly installed (which is almost a given with my DYI skills), the thing would just fly off the wall eventually.
@z428 It's autumn. Not only leaves fall, also some heads apparently.
@jwildeboer Just wait it out. As always. It's just a couple of days 😉
I see. And that thing you mentioned speaks some open protocol? Because if there is some semi-standardised protocol around these things and I know the name of the protocol, maybe it will be easier to scrape the bottom of the barrel 🙂 using Google - it's already 90% of the answer if you know how the thing you are looking for is calles.
@piggo @el_jefe
@piggo Thanks. Well, no DYI really, that was exactly _not_ the idea. Why I am asking is that for like 10 years I had something similar to this sort of a thing: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Dostmann-35-1162-54-Wireless-Temperature-Radio-Controlled/dp/B09J8N75S6/ref=sr_1_9?keywords=wetterstation&qid=1667761117&sr=8-9 for like €20-€30 surviving typically about 2+ years on 2 AA batteries. So I thought that maybe as technology advanced, somebody would sell me just that outdoor sensor (as I don't care about that tablet display, or whatever that is). Maybe somebody reverse engineered the protocol such little things speak to the "tablet" and just maybe with a small USB dongle I could receive that stuff indoors. Or so I though... 🤔
@pony Thanks, good tip. Though at that price range, I can probably already get used [Vantage Vue](https://www.amazon.com/Davis-Instruments-Vantage-Wireless-Sensor/dp/B00481TX32/ref=sr_1_12?crid=1D489X93R10NS&keywords=vantage+pro+2&qid=1667761046&sprefix=vantage+pro+%2Caps%2C1142&sr=8-12), which is like second best after Vantage Pro 2 - the top in this class. I was thinking more at the bottom of the barrel side of things 😄
@pony you don't - maybe? Take it slow in the first place. Slippery places are always dangerous.
More meta, about meta talk
@leah I well understand CW, but here I think you are implicitly proposing to use it as a "Subject" line, or a heading for the rest of the post so that you can decide whether to read it at all. But that's not what CWs were supposed to achieve originally. I rather suggest to start using headings, or something like that. Not sure your client will swallow this, but something like:
## Subject (decide whether you want to read the rest)
...the rest...
### outdoor weather sensor (request for advice)
I would like to get an outdoor weather sensor. Requirements:
- temperature, pressure, humidity, no wind sensor is needed (this is for a balcony in an apartment building, so wind sensor would measure only some irrelevant turbulence anyway)
- no need for graphic display
- wireless connected
- ideally "readable" by some smartphone app, possibly integrated with home assistant, or some such
- cheap - this is a hobby interest, not something to waste money on
- reasonably accurate, but again, this is not a pro app
- HW-wise ideally should work out of the box, no HW tinkering - some minor SW tinkering would be OK-ish
Any advice what devices I should look for?
@piggo ?
@Zjayres Good topic there. Not that I read your book, but the topic of emotional health vs. academic career (especially at its start) deserves serious analyses and work. Much more than a usual PhD candidate encounters in their (ab)normal life. Though, even if your book would help many people (as I hope), this type of literature probably won't be read by the target audience without even more effort. These people typically have no clue that they have all these relevant issues in their life until it's too late already. So if this should become useful, it needs to be pushed down the throats of people **entering** the hamster wheel during their first year(s). But that would require their PhD. supervisor to be more enlightened than they typically are today and/or their university HR depts. to overrule the said supervisors and hand these kind of books earlier, etc. etc.
Either way, great topic and a difficult task . 👍 🤞
Exploring, failing, backtracking, just to identify the only viable path forward. And then scarred, stumbling forward into the future. Learning.
Boring and steady. Knowing little and questioning a lot. Mostly harmless.
This is an experimental scrapbook space. A collection of stuff I want to keep in a form somewhere on the spectrum between a blog and a shoe-box full of scraps, cut-outs, quotes, links and reading notes and sometimes my own silly thoughts about them.
Perhaps it might be of marginal interest to others too, but I don't care that much.