@piggo Well, let's not be too demanding...
@piggo 🤔 What is it?
@andykm This is such a cool idea (well, "cool" is relative here :-) )
@piggo Not a grain field, but a herd of cows 10 minutes on a bicycle from the parliament building in The Hague, The Netherlands. In the background you can see an upper-mid-class residential neighborhood.
(credit: photo stolen from Interwebs)
@szescstopni Try to feed it to Google Lens either via phone, or like this https://lens.google.com/search?p=Acn1BYcRMG52HAYaywC8pE_Cq3R1FnB1aFboCPuqJJlPlfOQaus3Hrp_w57zkt5wHLMR_0rA7iM4EedkDM3TbQEXkLJfGovIk1VRAVTWYeMKId5-2BfBv8gaulSJSzZNJc5p6sCrvGwZazciI0D9EZI15qrLWJyyQHqJCCP96qr5gTxIWxFMZAKm9hFl7utfAj49iiOcokLE_pd12UHG-RtKMZZYE55kbG77ySBa99ySxC5PfY3yctNhXjbWBgGPfiKrI1OvxxtBmJpCWCJXP73XUxSUbJzAPqVOdwy8Ey8E&ep=ccm&st=1688939970001&plm=Cg8IFRILCMPbrKUGEIiXlwgKDwgWEgsIw9uspQYQuOyfCAoPCBMSCwjD26ylBhDAk6AIChAIFBIMCMPbrKUGEOj%2B9aQDChAIGRIMCMPbrKUGEJjR/6QDChAIGhIMCMPbrKUGELjSiaUD#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsIkVrY0tKRGd5TVRSaVl6YzVMVE0wTjJNdE5ETXpaQzFoTVdSbUxUUmtaamRrWVdNd1l6VmhZeElmV1RkU1RIVmFUbHBNUlc5aFVVUjFWV2RKVkUxaWJEVkJWbkZmUzJ0NFp3PT0iLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDEsbnVsbCxbbnVsbCxudWxsLFszMjkxNSwyOTQyMCw3MDU4MCw1MjU0Ml0sbnVsbCw1XV0=
It seems Mapleleaf viburnum, or some kind of a fig-tree could be a candidate.
@pony Sounds like news from UA warzone.
Many people have switched from Twitter to Mastodon, but not everyone who followed me before on Twitter knows that I'm active here also. Will you help me increase my reach on Mastodon? Share this post, boost it or comment and let me know why you're following me. Maybe with some smart hashtags. Thank you! 👍 😊
@z428 What an irony
@noelreports Thanks for now providing your stream here, I absolutely appreciate. I relied on Twitter via Nitter RSS feed to see your posts and that avenue is now gone. Keep the good work up and thank you very much!
@piggo They are whining on Twitter so you can't see them anymore.
But now seriously, I use nitter to get all the semi-serious but fresh news from UA front via Nitter RSS feeds and all that is gone. Since I don't have a Twitter account and don't want to have, the latest changes seriously suck. So me whining here..
@piggo Wouldn't be as much fun. Many simply secretly (unconsciously?) enjoy all that gear. It's easier to stress about the gear instead of really doing the thing.
Those who don't belong to this crowd go jogging. But then comes the latest Garmin XYZ*&^smart(*^watch and there we go again.
@pony time shift? 🤔 are they in different timezones since I checked the last time?
@hellquist Well. The other day I had a discussion about this with my teenager: Why did they ban these things in Paris? it's cute, environmentally friendly, cheap, etc. What's not to like? Well, that's why...
@piggo At the first glimpse, I had the impression these are two boomerangs in a kitchen. Only after reading the text I realised that is not what I am looking at...
Exploring, failing, backtracking, just to identify the only viable path forward. And then scarred, stumbling forward into the future. Learning.
Boring and steady. Knowing little and questioning a lot. Mostly harmless.
This is an experimental scrapbook space. A collection of stuff I want to keep in a form somewhere on the spectrum between a blog and a shoe-box full of scraps, cut-outs, quotes, links and reading notes and sometimes my own silly thoughts about them.
Perhaps it might be of marginal interest to others too, but I don't care that much.