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WaPo: Toxic #asbestos is now fully banned, a move that #EPA calls ‘historic’.
The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday finalized a ban on chrysotile asbestos, part of a family of toxic minerals linked to lung cancer and other illnesses that the agency estimates is responsible for about 40,000 U.S. deaths each year.

PBS: According to KFF Health News, more than half a million babies are delivered each year in Catholic-run hospitals across the United States. In most cases, there are no complications, but during an emergency, patients can find themselves caught between accepted medical standards and these facilities' religious-based policies. KFF Health News correspondent Rachana Pradhan joins John Yang to discuss.#news #PBS #headline

The effective federal corporate income tax rate:

1950: 50%
1990: 25%
2020: 13%

Stop asking "but how we will pay for it?" Restore the corporate tax rate.

That is how we will pay for it.

Seen on another site anent the prospect of winning in because sufficient numbers of and stay home or vote :

“Sometimes a little short-term pain is needed for long-term gains.”

And here is maybe the ’s biggest blind spot. There will be no long-term gains from another Trump . Zero. None. The country is not going to “wake up” en masse, eject from office at every level from Washington to the county dogcatcher’s office, and usher in a glorious new age. It. Is. Not. Going. To. Happen.

This was true in #1968, it was true in #2000, and it’s true in #2024. If there’s ever a time when it isn’t true, I don’t expect to live to see it.

But there will be a whole lot of short-term and medium-term and long-term pain. Maybe disgruntled voters with a long list of reasons why isn’t morally pure enough think they’ll live through it. Hell, maybe they’re right … which says a whole lot about their version of morality, none of it nice.

Their “short-term pain for long-term gain” is suffering and death for people I love. Anyone who’s okay with that can GTFO.

One more #InternationalWomensDay repost...

Today we'd like to share a story with you of an incredible African American inventor who designed a product which could have revolutionised periods in the 20th century - and likely *would* have were it not for racism. Meet Mary Kenner.

Cutest Bookstore on Wheels (7 photos) | STREET ART UTOPIA

They call it the Bibliomoto In southern Italy, in the region of Basilicata, a van-motorbike turned into a mobile library roams the streets of its remote villages spreading a love of reading. They call it the Bibliomoto. Source: Cutest Bookstore on Wheels (7 photos) | STREET ART UTOPIA


Yesterday, @jdvance1 claimed that Trump could defy rulings of the Supreme Court as President. Vance also admitted he would have done what VP Pence refused to do on January 6th—help Trump illegally seize power. That’s tyranny. Neither Trump nor Vance is fit to serve.

What’s Gone Wrong at Pharmacies?

A CVS Store in Virginia Beach Holds the Answer

“When Ward ultimately resigned from #CVS in early 2020—after 3 years at the Virginia Beach store—she sent a warning to the state’s #pharmacy regulator…she was leaving her position because of “dangerous working conditions due to corporate greed which resulted in sweatshop conditions.”

That note spurred a state investigation of the Virginia Beach store. A sample of 200 prescriptions reviewed by a Virginia inspector found a 37% error rate—some of those mistakes had the potential to harm patients, state regulators determined.”

To add to this, as Professor Kevin Anderson puts it in this lecture. "If we were taking climate change seriously, we could reduce emsisions by over 30% in 2 weeks by insisting the wealthiest 10% live like the average European."

That we don't just shows we still aren't taking this seriously at all, no matter the greenwashing and assorted nonsense by many in here (ecars etc)

@meena @kta

Left: how humans see starlings.

Right: how starlings may see each other - with bolder markings and more colour.

The amazing world of UV vision, seen through the eyes of… birds. #birds #sight #eyes #UVVision


"Dicey"? Oh, hell, Washington Post, you can do better than that....
The dicey push to impeach Secretary Mayorkas

I am once again imploring Christians who want closed borders to pick up a damn bible. If you don't invite the stranger in you will burn in hell. Forever.

What kind of country do we want to live in? ... Do we want to live in a country of liberty, freedom, and rule of law? Or a country of disorder, fear, and hate? We face a choice. Cruelty or compassion? Chaos or competence? Division, or unity? — VP Kamala Harris #quotes #quote #Trump #Dictator #Authoritarian #Repression #Retribution #Vengeance #Election2024 #uspolitics

Quick Weather West update focused on rapidly-strengthening offshore storm and its potential to bring a damaging windstorm to Central CA, major flash flooding to SoCal, and maybe even some severe thunderstorms. Also: live YouTube later; time TBD. #CAwx

Wonder why the GOP keeps trying to cut the funding Democrats gave the IRS?
They HATE the IRS making their millionaire and billionaire donors pay the taxes they owe.

They also don't care how long you have to wait on the phone to get your tax questions answered.

"Starting next year, the agency is initiating 60 audits of major corporations, Werfel said. These businesses have an average $24 billion in assets and are averaging $526 million in yearly taxable income"


Alberta Tar Sands Pollution 64 Times Worse Than Reported.

The Canadian tar sands are a massive site of oil extraction in the province of Alberta. They cover an area larger than England and are one of the biggest industrial projects on the planet.

Getting it from deep in underground to the surface can use up massive amounts of water — about what a small city might use on a daily basis. #ClimateChange

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