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Pop!_OS by reimagines their application launcher, gives improved recovery tools and much more in their latest release.

@tech Just subbed to your channel. Great content!

@tech My first thought was I was confused what the arrow was pointing at specifically. Maybe having the Pop!_OS logo in the middle of the screen with the arrow pointing at it? or something easily recognizable as Pop!_OS instead of the Gnome file browser?

Overall it looks really good for a thumbnail though. You can be half blind and as long as you've seen the Pop!_OS logo before you'll recognize it.

Just my 2cents so take it with a grain of salt.

IOCase boosted
IOCase boosted

Have been away for some time to reflect of the current state of the society, by talking to real people, face-to-face, firnds, family, doctors...

I'm afraid it might be too late, everyone is hypnotised with this COVID Vaccine bullshit! Everyone wants me to take it and as soon as I place the smallest question I get shutdown with MSM-tier prayer

This is heppening now. The normies are getting radicalised to hate us (vaxxed or unvaxxed), the ones who dare to question this lockdown/vaccine/anti-tradition woke bs

I know there's a few vaxxed people out there who now see this massive lie unfold and get more and more frustrated with the pandemic.

In the end they'll round us up against the wall and shoot all of us. They'll exterminate us bros.

IOCase boosted

@johnabs This is awesome! Thanks for the recommendations these sound fantastic.

IOCase boosted

For those of you with ADHD or difficulty focusing in noisy/distracting environments, a pair of noise cancelling headphones, along with is an absolute blessing (it's free btw).

I really like the distant thunder paired with music, or the "medieval library" sounds as well.

Finally, cleaning up my desk seems to help a lot too, so don't overestimate how a change in your environment (even small ones) can impact your productivity and creativity!

A young protester showing the "victory" hand gesture in front of CCP soldiers

Today marks the 31st anniversary of the The world has not forgotten what the CCP government did.

IOCase boosted

Thank you Tawian for you generous gift of face masks to Canada! Even if our politicans ignore you and won't say thank you in favour of currying Chinese favour, the Canadian people won't be so easily manipulated.

I hope everyone is doing well right now. It's a difficult time, a lot of people are in isolation and jobless right now. Just remember that this too shall pass; good times and bad end sometime.

IOCase boosted
IOCase boosted
IOCase boosted

Success and failure are both part of life. Both are not permanent.

IOCase boosted
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