@trinsec 🙂
@Erdrandbewohner Wo ist das?
Call me a fatalist but due to climate change risks I hereby decide that I will not have any biological children in the future. #fridaysforfuture #overpopulation #extinctionrebellion
@raketenlurch Du bist hier im Chaosumfeld 🙂
Liebe Eltern, sind in Deutschland derzeit die #Kitas geöffnet?
Irgendwie frage ich mich immer, wie failed states wie Italien oder die USA inkl. korrupten und dämlichem Präsidenten überleben können. Doch dann denke ich an Kohl zurück und daran, dass Deutschland immer noch eine existente Wirtschaft hat. Ob westliche Wirtschaft weniger stark von korrupten Politikern beeinträchtigt wird, als ich dachte?
I miss my beloved hacker scene. So sad that all #hackerspaces are closed and #congress won't take place in December.
@Erdrandbewohner Entschuldige bitte. Deiner Schwester viel Spaß.
@Erdrandbewohner Und längere Strecken? Zu kurz für ICE, zu lang fürs Rad? So Variante Brandenburg, Oma besuchen, im Kaff gibts keinen Bahnhof?
Ideology that has done damage to humanity over time
Religion not interpreted in its historical context
-> gave us war and slavery in various forms and let billions of people die
Anything based on a king's or father's authority
-> This is the worst shit and doesn't even serve any purpose except ensuring paternity for inheritance of property. Its original purpose is obsolete since the introduction of paternity testing and egg donation.
The theory of the fully free market. Why did they even test that shit on societies without previously testing it on small groups of volunteers only.
Same thing goes for socialism, Russian version.
Any time people tell stories about family values, the family (male + female + kids) as basis of a given society/state/whatever
-> see Patriarchy
Anyone imposing a quota system in a given institution (yes, that is what I call positive discrimination)
Sometimes I wonder whether my ideas suck or whether speaking against any kind of taboo aka "every dogma and law and authority must be allowed to be questioned" is obscene. But then I see all the crap ideology has done to the world while being taken seriously and worse being accepted without question and I think - well let me question any society and value model that claims any kind of authority.
@Phaedrus Doesn't make any sense. You could easily grow poppy in the US (dk whether it is legal but afaik it is at least legal to grow that poppy sort in Austria where the seed is used for baking). The CIA would be stupid investing tons of money in wars in Afghanistan when domestic production would be so much cheaper. For the poppy - once the CIA had the plants, production of opium would be easy. As previously said the plant is legally grown in Austria, not legal to grow in Germany and IDK for the rest of the EU. But the seed is used for baking and cooking all over Europe. It's just illegal to grow the plants for opium production.
You don't have to like my ideas. It's enough if they make you think and challenge ideology.