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Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, was directly involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Just thought I should remind everyone of that today.

I just want to say that if I ever get on the Supreme Court I am going to be reasonable. I will not require you to ply me with private jets and yachts to private estates and exclusive famous resorts and $5k bottles of wine.

Business class (or even economy plus) to an AirBnB in Maui and six or seven boxes of those Cutwater Mai Tais would totally do the trick. Then I will TOTALLY stop deferring to Chevron. I will not defer to ANY gas stations.

I am a man of the people.

SCOTUS Justices clearly can’t be trusted to police themselves.

And Roberts has shown little interest in holding them to account for numerous conflicts of interest.

The Supreme Court is facing a legitimacy crisis, and failing to hold Thomas accountable will only make it worse.

These are the types of homes the bishops and apostles at the top of the LDS pyramid scheme are building in Utah. Only 3% of tithing revenue is spent on bona fide charity programs. The rest is spent on real estate and other stockpiles of wealth.

Astute observation. Florida is it’s own little dystopian nightmare lately.


The party of starving kids in school
The party of school shooters’ rights
The party of forced births for minors

Bububut SaVe ThE cHiLdReN

Left: White male Trump supporter named Larry Brock violently stormed the Capitol w/zip ties
•2 years prison

Right: Black woman named Crystal Mason filed a provisional ballot on the advice of a poll worker
•5 years prison

The system isn’t broken—it’s working as intended.

We can have that future, if we want it.

We might not ever get "warp drive" or transporters or fuck a ghost on a Scottish colony planet, but as a target blueprint for a better world? There are worse role models.

Just have to kick out the fascists and the corrupt if we're ever going to get anywhere. :P

You know fuel prices are high when the guy in the lifted Super Duty isn’t revving his engine at Walmart during mating season.

@QasimRashid Hypocrisy is a flex. "The rules apply to you, not me."

Hillary Clinton

Joe Biden

Anthony Fauci

Trump: They're going to arrest me on Tuesday
•GOP: How dare the Democrats stain criminal justice with political arrests.🤬

Remarkable MAGA projection. Truly breathtaking lack of self-awareness.

@Nonilex I think that henceforth, for the safety of innocents who may be on the ground underneath them, reapers should be equipped with *very* highly explosive remote self-destructive capability. Enough to shred anything within 50 meters or so should do it.

My contempt for Big Telecom has risen another notch with its foul -- and successful -- smear campaign against FCC nominee Gigi Sohn.

As Gigi said in withdrawing, the American people are the losers to a cartel that defines everything wrong with business and politics.


When the Black Panthers showed up in Sacramento fully armed Ronald Reagan, the voice of stupid white people everywhere, decided that gun rights had gone too far.

Relief programs were very popular among hungry whites - until Blacks were allowed to participate.

Would white folks would stop their soldier cos-play if the Black community started their own firearm training programs and insisted on bringing their AR-15s to the supermarket?

Great analysis by zScaler analysts, who dissected the highly capable Rhadamanthys InfoStealer:

Definitely recommend you read the full article, but if you're short on time - the key points:
• Rhadamanthys is an information stealer that consists of two components, the loader and the main module (responsible for exfiltrating collected credentials).
• The malware implements complex anti-analysis techniques by using a public open source library.
Rhadamanthys is capable of extracting credentials of various applications such as Keepass and cryptocurrency wallets.
• One of the detected loaders uses a virtual machine (based on Quake III) in order to protect several parts of its code.
• Rhadamnthys uses a variation of the Hidden Bee format, which has been already described to a great extent by Malwarebytes.
• Rhadamnthys has its own file system, which includes an additional set of embedded modules.
• Both the loader and the main module network communications can be decrypted due to an implementation flaw in their code.

#infosec #cyber #cybersecurity #malware #malwareanalysis #threatintel

Physics simulations are a LOT more reliable in Godot 4.0.

Most physics performance optimizations where ported to Godot 3.5 during 4.0's development so performance isn't much higher (except in cases that benefit from multithreading), but complex physics feel much easier and faster to set up.

A mathematician, whose name is lost in the mists of time, founded the field of topography because he lost a bet to a colleague: He insisted that it would be impossible to remove an item of underwear without first removing the outerwear that covered it. She proved him wrong.

I'll see myself out.

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