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“There are a whole lot of ways to be perfect, and not one of them is attained through punishment.”

Ursula K. Le Guin on the art of growing older and what beauty really means beneath the veneer

So maybe I’m just a little excited about the Artemis mission. I don’t know, but the first thought in my head this morning upon awakening was: What do you call a zero in space? An astro naught.

"Try reading the following out loud:

Hashtag screenreaders for the hashtag blind and hashtag VisuallyImpaired read every hashtag HashTags out loud and so it's hard for people with hashtag VisualImpairment to get the sense of the post because it's being constantly interrupted by well-meaning hashtag accessibility hashtag allies.

Easier to read with a block of hashtags at the bottom:
#screenreaders #VisuallyImpaired #blind #allies #Hashtags #accessibility"
--original author unknown

To this extent I'm really interested to know how the age breakdown of people on the #Fediverse. On one hand it would seem to make sense to me that most people here remember the "old internet" before the centralization and they're here to rekindle that flame of independence. On the other hand the youths are generally pretty up on this whole technology thing. I grew up on the internet and since then smartphones have become even more ubiquitous.

(Please boost for reach)

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To further enrich your newsfeed, make use of the 'Domain Subscription' tool available under 'Follow and followers' selection at the lower left of your Profile page. If a bunch of people you follow have their profiles on another server, chances are that the local community is home to others sharing their interests. By entering a subscription to their server, the local newsfeed they receive will be shared in your feed. Over time, you will then be able to pick out others to follow and correspond with.

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Take a breath and relax. Breathing May Measurably Modulate Neural Responses Across Brain - Neuroscience News

Over 1000 researchers are now on #Mastodon and have their handle on #Wikidata!

#Debirdify is a pleasure to use. Please advertise your fediverse handle on your birdsite bio/name if you want to be found.

This is one of the best intellectual discussions I’ve ever seen. It ties together evolution, computer science, construction of morphology by cells independent from genetics, information theory, and more. I thought you might like it.

Those of you who are interested in (personal knowledge management) check out It’s a space for all things with discussions on techniques and technology related to managing the huge amount of information in our lives. If you are a user of , a free software with a wonderful community and plugins for every need, then I suggest you subscribe to or follow @eleanorkonik. She is a brilliant resource for all things . I enjoy learning from the younger people who are of which I am not. Their ideas are fresh and interesting, and their brains are so malleable and squishy. Actually, I don’t know about the last part as I’ve only held brains that were preserved.

@andreiz Here is the book by Raubenheimer and Simpson about their hypothesis. A fun and interesting read.

In the 20th century, people dreamed that one day machines would do the boring tasks, leaving us more free time to pursue creativity.

In the 21st century someone invented AI art so that machines can do the creativity, leaving us with more “free time” to do boring tasks.

@neurofrontiers Know how you feel. I recently moved 5 degrees further north and getting used to the early sunsets is trying at best.

Let me introduce myself! My name is Ilenna Jones, I am a computational neuroscientist with keen interest on how dendrites contribute to a singular neuron's ability to compute functions and learn tasks. I build biophysical models of neurons in and use principles to investigate how models can learn and compute given their biologically realistic constraints.

I'm looking for postdocs right now! Feel free to connect if you're looking for someone like me!

I'm very interested in helping other students find resources and guidance as they consider science and in general. Feel free to connect if you're looking for advice/perspectives!

@CannabisScientist Nice! You look normal so you must be normal. Appearances are often deceiving.

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