Minle boosted

25,243 accounts
+1 in the last hour
+18 in the last day
+123 in the last week

Minle boosted

If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between a seal and a sea lion then HAVE I GOT THE CHART FOR YOU.

Minle boosted

A month ago I became #NewOnMastodon, still learning, but liking it more and more here.

As an #EarthSystem scientist I am fascinated about the #CarbonCycle, especially in the #ocean and how we quantify it with Earth System #models in past, present, and future climates.

#ClimateChange is essentially a #CO2 problem. It is virtually impossible to be a #ClimateScientist without becoming deeply concerned about #ClimateEmergency.

Watch this space for my extended #IntroductionPost.

Minle boosted

I wanted an instance

I ended up with , pretty happy about it!

Have also considered:

At , would also consider their aderation at the ( )

I know for a fact that @freemo might want to participate in the @thibaultamartin @matrix

and appreciating the diversity out here. I'm all for meeting new and interesting denizens of the Fediverse!😀

Minle boosted

25,266 accounts
+15 in the last day
+126 in the last week

Minle boosted

@Minle Agreed! Astounding level of arrogance. Perhaps a better way to get a commitment to “extremely hardcore” work would be to share some of his $5 Billion salary he’s making at one of his OTHER JOBS.

Minle boosted

Happy Friday, Mastodonians!

What's the happiest part for you?

@sspadt I know it's petty of me, but after hearing Elon touted as a business genius with complete disregard for all the smart and competent people working to make his "vision" happen, I'm rather enjoying the very public reveal of just how little he brings to the leadership table.

The administration of firearm ownership doesn't need to be some crazy all or nothing. We all agree that car ownership and utilization merits national administration. Why not something else equally deadly if misused?

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.