@NeadReport Yea the federated feed is fast. what i do is if i see something i like i scroll down slightly. If you arent scrolled to the top then the scrolling will halt and the feed appears motionless, even though the posts are still being added to the top out of scroll.
Just be careful when your done reading or interacting to the post you scroll back to the top. If you dont the federated feed just gets larger over time and slowly eats memory. Once you scroll to the top it clears all the older posts from the scroll though so it will quickly free that memory back up.
@freemo That's a good work around Dr. I also un-pinned it so it is not a distraction!
@freemo Truly impossible to read a Federated post before it refreshes! Thanks for looking into this for me/us/we
@freemo glad to know I'm not bonkers! 😆
So I got the raw 3d MRI source files from the hospital. Then I got the software needed to view the MRI in 3d. It let me rotate, slice, and even colorize the images. So **I** generated these images from the raw MRI. It shows my kidney, heart, and skeleton from 4 different angles fully colorized. How cool is that!
I also included some of just the heart and kidneys on its own from the same scan.
@freemo I'm not feelin' the love on those directions, friend. I'm thinking I don't even need to keep up with the Federated feed.
@lobster_writer Almost a year later since your last post and my comment. How's the note/organization thing going?
@realmattseymour Hey! Nothing like a late response! Almost a year later! Thanks for the welcome, drum brother.
@lobster_writer Curious as to what your preferred app is for organizing notes and timelines/reminders etc. Good luck, it will all come together.
Hello Mastadonians! First time post here; I have been on Twitter since 2009. Looking forward to all of this pachyderm goodness. #introduction #newmember
Quality Control Inspector - Construction / Utilities -|- Drummer -|- Lover of puns, technology, & funny peeps.