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Nordstahl boosted

I'm having a hard time seeing the long list of #banned #books in the US, on every day topics that happen in real life, but today Google notified me of when an #antivax video was posted on YouTube by someone who I have never watched because they spread #misinformation and is consistently, thoroughly debunked

Nordstahl boosted

This guy is taking a trip tomorrow to get irradiated and cure his hyperthyroidism. Send him your best wishes! #CatsOfMastodon

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News is moving quickly tonight: Movetodon has gotten shut down by Twitter due to unspecified 'rule violations'. This makes it matter of utmost urgency to preserve as much of the Twitter bot developer community as possible, as the deadline of February 9th shutdown cannot be presumed to be safe.

If you have worked with the #twitter API in any capacity, please check out this work by @tchambers:

Nordstahl boosted This is a bad take Evan. They want us identified, they want us in camps, they want us erased and they want us dead.

Tone policing how people talk about that isn't helping anyone, and just causes infighting and friction.

Let people talk about this in the ways they need to. It's real. It's happening. It needs to be talked about

Nordstahl boosted

Realizing that my opinion of someone is about 80% determined by whether they use the past or present tense when referring to "the pandemic."

#Covid #CovidIsNotOver

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Imagine being terrified by a Chinese spy balloon but ignoring a virus which is killing thousands of Americans a week and creating chronic disease and shortening the life expectancy of many others.


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* This is a vertical image, so you may need to tap to see the whole thing.

Nordstahl boosted

Know what the absence of racism would look like for Black folks?


Just life.
Ordinary life.

I think we deserve that.

Don't you?


Nordstahl boosted

Slept most of the day, and going to try to sleep early tonight. Fingers crossed I wake up feeling more normal. Rest well, friends.

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@DeanObeidallah Will anything happen to him for it? I mean so far the DoJ is dragging ass in prosecuting him for literally anything so I'm not holding my breath on consequences anymore.

Nordstahl boosted

Did trump conceal the three Chinese spy balloons that happened during his term because Ivanka was getting trademarks from China? Or bc he didn’t want to hurt the trade deal with China he thought would help him win in 2020? We need answers. My article

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Nordstahl boosted
Nordstahl boosted
Nordstahl boosted

Internet services owned by billionaires:

1. Twitter
2. Facebook
3. Instagram
4. TikTok
5. Snapchat

Internet services not owned by billionaires:

1. Email
2. IRC
3. BitTorrent
4. RSS

So don’t tell me that walled gardens are inevitable and we should just accept surveillance capitalism as the price of doing business.

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Nordstahl boosted
Nordstahl boosted

As long as the LinkedIn crowd doesn't show up here, we should be fine.

Nordstahl boosted

Soy milk is dangerous.

I went to the store for soy milk and I came back with a fedora and suspenders that were on clearance.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.