北約單位警戒俄羅斯的目標看著比歐盟面對中國分化要來得清醒, 但操作上有些緩不濟急的慢效率:




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"Announced on 12 May, the agreement signed in Warsaw between the German and Polish defence ministries will allow Luftwaffe Eurofighters to cross into Poland and Polish air force (Inspektorat Sił Powietrznych: ISP) Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon and MiG-29 ‘Fulcrum’ fighters to cross into Germany."


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"NATO should, however, explore the meaningfulness in strengthening its existing partnerships in the Asia-Pacific. Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea are further ahead in their adaptation to China in terms of resilience and supply-chain security and thus may prove useful for the development of joint resilience capacity."



"Beijing is aware that by so closely aligning China with Russia on European security issues, it risks further alienating Europe and pushing countries on the continent further into the orbit of the U.S."

[ State-owned Chinese engineering, power and construction companies in recent years have invested billions of dollars in projects in the Eastern European country, a big supplier of cooking oil, machinery and nuclear reactors to China. In late 2020, Beijing and Kyiv agreed to deepen their Belt and Road cooperation, with Vice Premier Liu He, Mr. Xi’s longtime economic czar, pledging to promote “sound and stable bilateral relations” with Ukraine.

Meanwhile, China has been building a vast network of pipelines in Central Asia to secure its supplies of oil and gas, and diversify the source of its suppliers. Many countries that those pipes go through are former members of the Soviet Union. ]


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[ In an interview with Nikkei Asia in Tokyo, Jens Stoltenberg said the bloc is concerned about China's threatening rhetoric and "coercive behavior" in the Taiwan Strait. He stressed that preventing Beijing from using military power was crucial.

"There is no justification for China's threats against Taiwan. And it will be in no one's interest to have a conflict around Taiwan," he said.

"Any attempt by China to try to change the status quo by the use of military force will have severe consequences for East Asia. But it will also have consequences for NATO allies and for global security." ]


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"政治層面,則代表北約盟國對台灣的信任。揭仲指出,Link-22的專利屬北約各國,若美國同意協助台灣升級,代表其餘北約國家都已同意,在外交上顯現出歐洲各國對俄羅斯、中國的不滿與不信任;蘇紫雲也表示,此舉象徵台美互信,更將台灣視為非北約盟國,符合2023國防授權法(NDAA 2023)精神。"


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在此同時,一位不願透露姓名的北約官員表示:「多年來,北約的教育機構,例如北約防衛學院和北約訓練學校(NATO School Oberammergau),都跟印太區域的參與者進行接觸,其中包括台北。」"


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