
"Roughly 17,000 former Afghan interpreters and their families are awaiting word on their applications for U.S. immigrant visas, according to No One Left Behind, a nonprofit that advocates on their behalf. On average, two former Afghan translators have been killed a month since the beginning of the year, according to No One Left Behind.

The U.S. hasn’t said publicly how it would keep them safe in the event of a Taliban takeover. But the State Department has said it is aware of the risk and is committed to moving their visa applications forward."


"美軍為了對付恐怖份子游擊戰,這20年來調整了許多過往習慣的戰略觀念,就連指揮系統,也從2000年以前強調的指揮、通信、情報、管制、計算機(C4I:Command、Control、Communication,Computing,& Intelligence),演進到C4ISRT,把前五個項目加上了監視(Surveillance)、偵察(Reconnaissance)、目標鎖定(Targeting),後面加的這三個項目,以往全部都是參二情報官的業務,獨立出來是因為有了新工具,而且更需要即時而精準的反應,以免造成過多的「附帶傷害」,傷及無辜。"


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同樣的問題也發生在建構砲兵部隊上。 我曾親手訓練過阿富汗六個步兵營與兩個機動打擊營。在間接火力支援配備上,這些單位配有俄製82mm與SPG-9無後座力炮。 與我一起工作的羅馬尼亞訓練小組告訴我SPG-9無後座力炮雖然可以運用在直射與曲射火力支援上,但我們並沒有教阿富汗部隊如何運用曲射火力支援的方式,根本的原因在於他們大部分的人並沒有足夠的教育程度去了解如何讓間接火力有效的發揮。 】


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"U.N. officials reported that the Taliban likely earned more than $400 million between 2018 and 2019 from the drug trade. A May 2021 U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan (SIGAR) report quoted a U.S. official as estimating they derive up to 60% of their annual revenue from illicit narcotics."

"Mansfield says his field studies show the most the Taliban can earn from illicit opiates is about $40 million annually, predominantly from levies on opium production, heroin labs and drug shipments."

"Washington spent an estimated $8.6 billion between 2002 and 2017 to throttle Afghanistan's drug trade in order to deny the Taliban funds, according to a 2018 SIGAR report. Apart from poppy eradication, the United States and allies backed interdiction raids and alternative crop programs, airstrikes on suspected heroin labs and other measures."





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"先前聯合國難民署(UN Refugee Agency)警告,阿富汗面臨「迫在眉睫的人道危機」。目前伊朗已收容近350萬名阿富汗難民,將近伊朗總人口的4%。"


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不僅伊朗, 北韓與阿富汗其實面臨同樣的外交困境:

[ There is a misconception in Iran’s foreign policy that merely being a part of the different regional bodies in neighborhood regions, including Eurasia, could spontaneously break the “sanctions wall” and lead to diversified fruitful foreign relations. It is hard to imagine any real, meaningful accomplishments will result from multilateral platforms such as the SCO, Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), rather than Iran’s bilateral relations with Russia and China. Instead, Iran’s insistence on having a seat at the table only generates more leverage for Moscow and Beijing to bolster the country’s overreliance on the East.

Efforts to gain a seat in these largely ineffective initiatives, where Russia and China are the dominant stakeholders and it is nearly impossible for Tehran to seek tangible and achievable goals, does nothing but waste the limited diplomatic resources of the country. In terms of trade and economics, which matter the most to Iran, Eurasian great initiatives like the Russian-led EAEU and China’s BRI haven’t even brought about even significant developments in Beijing-Moscow bilateral relations or even regional institutional coordination of the two initiatives, despite lip service in that regard.]


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中東這邊的伊巴互轟躲在鄰居境內的本國反對勢力, 頗有互抓蝨子順便撓兩把出血的荒唐:

"伊朗與巴基斯坦宣稱打擊的恐怖份子,分別是巴國西南部俾路支省的「正義之軍」(Jaish al-Adl,JAA)與伊朗東南部希斯坦—俾路支省的「俾路支解放陣線」(BLF)。JAA曾宣誓效忠遜尼派恐怖組織「伊斯蘭國」(IS),在伊朗境內對革命衛隊發動多次攻擊。BLF則為尋求俾路支省獨立而在巴國發起武裝叛亂,多次攻擊投資俾路支省「中巴經濟走廊」的中國公民與企業。



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" “Iran is telegraphing to the United States that if you come after us, we can create chaos,” said Kamran Bokhari, a senior director at the New Lines Institute, a think tank based in Washington.

Iran’s actions came shortly after a U.S.-led force began strikes on the Houthis in response to the group’s firing at merchant ships and U.S. Navy vessels in the Red Sea. The U.S. launched a fifth round of strikes on Houthi weaponry in Yemen on Thursday, and President Biden said that the strikes would continue until the Houthis stop their attacks."


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"塔利班政府外交部發言人告訴路透社,中國新大使趙興(Zhao Xing,譯音)是自2021年8月以來第一位出任這項職務的大使;塔利班當年接掌阿富汗政權,美國領導的外國部隊也在駐紮阿富汗20年後撤軍。"



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"In China’s opaque system, sexual misconduct is often used as a way to discredit fallen officials considered to be disloyal to the party leadership. In Qin’s case, according to the people familiar with the matter, the affair disclosed by the party’s investigation triggered his downfall partly because Qin’s U.S.-born child could potentially compromise his ability to represent China’s interests in dealing with the Americans."


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“Electricity imports from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan account for half of Afghanistan’s power consumption nationwide, with Iran providing additional supplies to the country’s west. Domestic production, mostly at hydropower stations, has been affected by this year’s drought. Afghanistan lacks a national power grid, and Kabul depends almost completely on imported power from Central Asia.”


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@Perfume 有孩子生在美国,在ccp高层应该不算事吧…

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