劉桂平已向全國人大呈交提案,並建議在條件成熟時盡快出台。但北京威諾律師事務所合夥人Yang Zhaoquan指出,完成這項法案可能得花上3到5年的時間,他稱,由於風險事件接連出現,不僅損害市場,還波及金融及社會穩定性,因此迫切需要更多且強大法律工具。
[“Is it dangerous when private businesses grow big? Is it not dangerous when state-run enterprises grow big?” Mr. Sun told the court on Wednesday, according to a transcript provided by the defense team. “I really hope that Dawu Group’s experience can let President Xi know that the implementation of socialism can work and can withstand examination from everyone.”
In his statement, Mr. Sun sought leniency for his company. “It’d be best for me to admit guilt and wrongdoing, for me to bear the burden,” he was quoted as saying. After the verdict was announced, Mr. Sun told his lawyer that he wants to appeal against his conviction, according to the defense team.]
"Other charges against him include illegally occupying farmland, assembling a crowd to attack state agencies and obstructing government workers from performing their duties. He was also fined 3.11 million yuan ($478,697; £343,227).
Sun's company is among China's biggest, with businesses ranging from meat processing and pet food to schools and hospitals.
He was reportedly detained last year, along with 20 relatives and business associates, over a land dispute with a government-run farm.
At the time, he said dozens of his employees were injured in an incident with police related to the dispute, according to an AFP report."
[ But in the view of Chinese leaders, consumer internet companies inflict costs on society that aren’t reflected in private market values. Companies such as Ant threaten the stability of the financial system, online education feeds social anxiety and online games such as Tencent’s represent an “opium for the mind,” as one state-owned publication put it this week.
Conversely, Chinese leaders think manufacturing confers social benefits that market values don’t reflect. For decades, it has been how the country created jobs, raised productivity and disseminated essential skills and know-how. Now, to achieve parity with the West, they think China must be able to make the most advanced technology, and will use subsidies, protectionism and forced technology transfers to achieve that.]
[ BofA Securities strategists have recently recommended investors shift holdings from Chinese growth stocks into shares elsewhere in the Asia Pacific region, and called the recent history of foreign investors participating in China’s high-growth stocks “incompatible with likely upcoming strategies.”]
習近平這種玉石俱焚,不惜傷害到自己的經濟、金融和科技也要出手的作法(雖然從打擊可能政治對手的角度來看是理性的決策),對美方來說會是一種可信的威脅。這次受創甚深的華爾街金融勢力(如屢次歌頌中共會持續崛起的橋水資本執行長Ray Dalio根據媒體報導到上周為止在這波整肅就損失了120億美元)就很可能會一起對白宮施壓,要求白宮請中方在推出新監管措施前,要考慮美國投資人的利益,這就給了中共和美國協商其他議題的籌碼。"
【戰時經濟有幾個特徵:內部資源循環、犧牲民生、集中於備戰基礎工業及軍備生產、所有過去的「沉浸成本」(sunken cost)都不算數、控制貨幣流通機制、控制社會思想,高舉民族主義、國家主義,抵銷人民對種種不幸及痛苦的怨氣。在這些目標下,病毒,無論是如何產生的、如何擴散的,對實施戰時經濟下的戰時社會管理是一種天賜的工具,鄭州黃河大水的死傷,也加強了戰時社會管理的必要氣氛。
唯有「權本主義」才能解釋中國的經濟,資本主義不行(參考FB 7/15文 - 「權本主義」才是中國經濟的內核)。披著資本主義外紗的權本主義,已經走到盡頭了,此刻唯有實施戰時經濟,才能維繫權本主義系統生存。習近平腦子裡的認知應該是這樣的:一個靠我養的小小朝鮮,在一些不三不四的核武器支撐下,都能在世界上混70年,何況我泱泱大國,即使鎖國、與美國脫鉤,再混個一百年想來也不難,何況美國秩序現在也漏洞百出。】
【“Xi Jinping is seeking to rebrand the Communist Party’s image domestically and internationally” by reducing income gaps and shifting to higher-quality development, said Bill Bikales, a former senior economist for the United Nations in China. “He wants this to demonstrate that socialism is better than Western capitalism in caring for all the population.”】
"What makes China an urgent military threat? First, Beijing has made clear it is willing to use force to take Taiwan. Subordinating the island isn’t only about incorporating a putative lost province—it would be a vital step toward establishing Chinese hegemony in Asia. And this isn’t mere talk. The Chinese military has rehearsed amphibious attacks, and commercial satellite imagery shows that China practices large-scale attacks on U.S. forces in the region.
Second, China doesn’t merely have the will to invade Taiwan, it increasingly may have the ability to pull it off. China has spent 25 years building a modern military in large part to bring Taiwan to heel. China now has the largest navy in the world and an enormous and advanced air force, missile arsenal and network of satellites. This isn’t to say China could manage a successful invasion of Taiwan tomorrow—but Beijing could be very close. It will be “fully able” to invade by 2025, Taiwan’s defense minister said recently. China’s military power is improving every month.
Third, China may think its window of opportunity is closing. Many wars have started because one side thought it had a time-limited opening to exploit. Certainly this was a principal factor in the outbreaks of the two world wars. Beijing may reasonably judge this to be the case today."