"這份報告大致上比以往又更貼近了美國對中國的看法,可望為 6 月將舉行的美、歐高峰會先行定調,從報告中亦可看出科技與貿易將會是施壓中國做出改革承諾的重點領域,而歐盟可能採取包括加強審查、違規罰款、剔除在公共採購名單之外等手段做為施壓的工具。"
"The multi-faceted approach ... should remain as the preferred way for the EU to deal with China. At the same time, further, robust efforts are needed on the implementation of existing actions and to address a number of new challenges."
"The U.S. and nations in Europe and elsewhere also subsidize their own industries, often through tax breaks, export financing and research-and-development funding. What makes China different is the outsize role state-controlled companies play in its economy, and its willingness to support their expansion abroad."
"The U.S. and Europe have long relied on the World Trade Organization and tariffs to penalize China for subsidizing exports with grants, tax breaks and credit from state-owned banks, measures that helped the country grow rapidly. But the WTO rules weren’t written to constrain subsidies that a government gives to its manufacturers overseas.
The result: Chinese-owned factories outside of China usually face lower tariffs than those imposed on factories inside the country—or escape them altogether."