"這份報告大致上比以往又更貼近了美國對中國的看法,可望為 6 月將舉行的美、歐高峰會先行定調,從報告中亦可看出科技與貿易將會是施壓中國做出改革承諾的重點領域,而歐盟可能採取包括加強審查、違規罰款、剔除在公共採購名單之外等手段做為施壓的工具。"
"The U.S. and nations in Europe and elsewhere also subsidize their own industries, often through tax breaks, export financing and research-and-development funding. What makes China different is the outsize role state-controlled companies play in its economy, and its willingness to support their expansion abroad."
"The U.S. and Europe have long relied on the World Trade Organization and tariffs to penalize China for subsidizing exports with grants, tax breaks and credit from state-owned banks, measures that helped the country grow rapidly. But the WTO rules weren’t written to constrain subsidies that a government gives to its manufacturers overseas.
The result: Chinese-owned factories outside of China usually face lower tariffs than those imposed on factories inside the country—or escape them altogether."
"As part of the China review, USTR doesn’t plan a wholesale reduction in tariffs on more than half of Chinese imports which were imposed during the Trump years, according to the people familiar with its planning.
Instead, the USTR has been conducting exercises to see which tariffs are hurting the U.S. economy or could substantially raise the costs of other parts of the Biden agenda, these people said, particularly the president’s plans to invest hundreds of billions of dollars into new U.S. infrastructure."
財經網美說的一年期中國出口美國半數關稅項目豁免的說法在WSJ找不到相關佐證,莫非中文媒體都是從"將繼續維持半數川政權懲罰性關稅"來推導出"有半數關稅豁免"這個結論嗎? 目前先找到所謂美企申請關稅豁免程序這部分的佐證:
"At the same time, she said, the U.S. will reopen a process for U.S. companies to seek exemptions from tariffs. That exemption process ended after President Biden took office, drawing complaints from manufacturers and others who say they have no cost-effective alternatives to certain Chinese components."
"Chinese products would be subject to the highest tariffs of the three countries—a levy of 122.52% of their import value. That rate partly reflects Chinese companies’ refusal to cooperate with the investigation to prove their independence from the Chinese Communist Party, an administration official said."
"At the same time, the officials cleared five other trading partners—the Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and the U.K.—of dumping allegations, narrowing the scope of the products covered by new tariffs."
"They reaffirmed the importance of U.S. and EU efforts on regional connectivity, notably in the framework of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) and the EU’s Global Gateway. They reviewed opportunities for cooperation and synergies offered by the U.S.-EU shared support to regional cross-border initiatives and committed to build on recent discussions on electricity market integration in South Asia and on port security across the Indo-Pacific. They welcomed the recently signed memorandum of understanding between the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and the European Investment Bank (EIB), which will facilitate strategic investments including in the Indo-Pacific.
They welcomed the success of the first joint U.S.-EU naval exercise, conducted in March 2023. They intend to take new steps to advance practical maritime cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, including facilitating the EU’s involvement and participation in INDOPACOM’s naval exercises and planning conferences in the region. Given their shared commitment to enhancing maritime domain awareness in the Indo-Pacific, they also intend to establish further technical exchanges in this area, including on ways to ensure maximum complementarity between the U.S. SeaVision and the EU-funded IORIS systems."
歐洲議會此次回應中國反制裁的完整文本, 僅摘要掐到實處的一點:
"Underlines the need to set up a system to check whether entities operating on the EU internal market are directly or indirectly involved in human rights abuses in Xinjiang and to introduce trade-related measures such as exclusion from public procurement and other sanctions; insists that the procurement of exploitative technology which is deployed in situations of violations of human rights should be prevented in the EU at all levels and in all EU institutions; "
「冻结《欧中投资协议》大大提高了中国今后技术竞争的难度。 中方所需的高科技产品有40%都来自于欧洲。」
「中国最高层跟德国、法国、意大利高层的电话,体现了中方过于热衷于“一把手“的交流,而无视其他政策决定的因素。正是这样,中方才会把决议案看成是欧洲议会几个人的操纵。 」
“Wang Yi basically tells us ‘shut up, you shouldn’t talk’.
“The Holocaust should not be used as a diplomatic football for rhetorical gains,”
“The fact of the matter is that it has been precisely because of our wretched history that we have built our democracies and European Union on the basis of adherence to human rights and the rule of law. For us it is an historic obligation.
“If this People’s Republic of China had nothing to hide, they would open up and allow a full independent investigation; no amount of aggressive wolf-warrior diplomacy will obscure the fact that they still have not done so,”
[ The law could have far-reaching effects if it applies to supply-chain issues—particularly those related to the sensitive region of Xinjiang, where cotton and other industries have faced allegations of forced labor, Mr. Kostrzewa said.
The mainland law mandates that Beijing respond with countermeasures against the entities or people involved in imposing foreign sanctions. Those countermeasures include denying or revoking visas, seizing and freezing assets within China, blocking transactions or cooperation with Chinese entities, along with “other necessary measures” that aren’t specified. The law also allows Chinese companies to file lawsuits in Chinese courts against foreign business partners who cut ties to comply with foreign sanctions. ]
"法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)在美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)時代推動歐盟安全政策「戰略自主」以減少倚賴美國,此次阿富汗淪陷,歐洲再度掀起不能過度仰賴華府的呼聲,但歐洲在防務上仰仗美國大量軍事投資,未來如何走出一條穩定跨大西洋關係但又能符合歐洲利益的道路受到矚目。
“Parliament insists that any change to mainland China-Taiwan cross-strait relations must be neither unilateral nor against the will of Taiwanese citizens. It also issues a stark reminder of the direct connection between European prosperity and Asian security and of the consequences for Europe if a conflict were to expand beyond economic issues.”
"The delegation, led by French Member of the European Parliament Raphael Glucksmann, will discuss complex threats including disinformation and cyber attacks with Taiwan officials, the ministry added.
The three-day visit was organised by a European Parliament committee on foreign interference such as disinformation in democratic processes."
"該決議的第三個部分最為務實,對歐盟提出強化對台經貿關係的具體建議。歐盟應以展開對台貿易談判、簽署自由貿易協定為最終目標。歐盟的汽車產業正面臨車用半導體晶片短缺的問題,而歐盟希望能夠發展本土的半導體製造能力,在 2030 年將產能從 9% 增加到 20%。由於台灣是世界上最先進的半導體製造公司的所在地,布魯塞爾希望吸引台積電投資歐盟,這一點沒有台灣的協助恐怕很難辦到。善學提到,事實上類似的聲音在美國出現多年,且獲得兩黨的支持,卻遲遲沒有進展,也許當前的局勢能夠促使布魯塞爾加快腳步。歐盟的最終目標是跟台灣談判並簽署自由貿易協定。"
印度用中國也有買的俄國地對空飛彈在俄中之間埋下猜忌, 很划算~😆
"While the U.S. is ultimately expected to waive sanctions over India’s S-400 purchase, it has urged India not to go ahead with the deal, warning that it could jeopardize future military cooperation with the U.S.
India says it reserves the right to choose its own arms suppliers and needs the S-400 to boost defenses on the border with China, which last year saw one of the bloodiest clashes since a brief border war in 1962."
"One challenge to further integration between U.S. and allied militaries are U.S. rules, called International Traffic in Arms Regulations, that control the export of defense and military technologies, and which some people in the defense industry say make it difficult for close U.S. allies to get the most advanced U.S. weapons and equipment."
斯洛伐克軍工企業MSM集團旗下的西班牙火砲製造商「Fábrica Municiones de Granada」(FMG)自從去年10月以來,砲彈生產線持續全開,FMG總幹事卡羅(Antonio Caro)表示,目前主要問題是原料短缺,歐洲沒有太多生產火藥原料的工廠,現在必須從印度、南韓或其他國家尋找貨源。基礎材料的成本翻了一倍,在某些情況下甚至漲3倍,成本增長、需求激增,最後導致彈藥價格上漲。"
"The prospect of the two great autocratic powers that dominate the Eurasian landmass moving closer together carries risks for Beijing. It would probably force European countries that now are hoping to maintain close commercial ties with China to move more decisively toward Washington, on which they depend for security. If that happened, geopolitical competition between the West (along with Asian democracies such as Japan and South Korea) and the Moscow-Beijing axis would solidify."
狐假虎威的前提是虎夠強大, 一旦虎威不再, 狐狸也無勢可假:
"Beijing’s new public stance is partly intended to counter growing distrust toward China in the Western world and the formation of geopolitical blocs around security and technology, the people said. China is also worried that Russia, a key partner in its increased competition with the West, could be significantly weakened if it were to face further significant setbacks or defeat in Ukraine."
"The Chinese arms trade is shrouded in secrecy, and it is unclear what weapons Russia might receive. China is a world leader in the production of weapons that have been used heavily in the Ukraine war, including long-range artillery systems, precision multiple rocket launchers, antitank and surface-to-surface missiles and small, tactical drones and loitering munitions."
目前看來, 老虎尚未打算賣狐狸面子, 可能在等狐狸頭親自出馬再賞臉吧:
"However, a fiery speech by Mr. Putin on Tuesday illustrated the stiff challenges to any Chinese peace initiative, which has already drawn skepticism from European countries due to the support Beijing has extended to Moscow since the start of the war. Mr. Putin also said Moscow would step back from New Start, the last remaining major nuclear-arms-control treaty between the U.S. and Russia."
對德籍官員發言不意外, 歐盟這尾魚就繼續混吧:
"But we must also recognise that China's views on the “global security architecture” are not by default aligned with ours. This is clear when we look at the situation in the Indo-Pacific. China's assertive posture in Taiwan, the South and East China Seas affects not only our partners, such as the Philippines, but our own global interests. Our own supply chains and trade routes are at stake. And we have to be very frank on this, as a foundation for a constructive relationship."
"她說明去風險化戰略的三個支柱,一是防護歐盟的經濟利益,因此她開啟對中國電動車出口到歐洲的反傾銷調查;二是與中國對話、闡明雙方歧異,因此12月的高峰會她將以貿易公平為核心主題;三是分散布局到其他夥伴國家,因此歐盟的「全球門戶」(Global Gateway)計畫將使經濟夥伴關係的建立更具地緣政治性。
"俄烏戰爭爆發,中國沒有譴責俄羅斯,甚至宣稱雙方關係無上限,有 70% 以上的歐洲人也認為俄羅斯與中國是緊密夥伴關係。然而,歐洲人卻將俄羅斯與中國分開來看,相較有 49% 將近 5 成的人認為俄羅斯是風險,但只有 21% 認為中國是風險,風險利益參半為 35%,甚至有 28% 認為歐洲與中國的關係是「利益高於風險」。"
"根據歐盟統計局的數據,在 2022 年,中國是歐盟貨品的第三大出口國(9%)、第一大進口國(20.8%);而在歐盟會員國中,荷蘭進口最多中國貨品、德國對中國出口最多。"
"The package of legislation, drafted by the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, ranks among the most ambitious plans yet by a major economic power to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases such as methane that the majority of scientists say are causing the earth to warm. It calls for a massive shift by companies and households to cleaner technologies such as wind turbines, solar power and electric vehicles—including a requirement for the share of renewable sources in Europe’s energy mix to rise to 40% in 2030 from 20% currently. The plan aims to limit pollution across the European economy, including electricity generation, automobiles, housing, shipping and agriculture."
// 最新議案只是表態,正式說出了政治現實,對投資協定沒有影響,因為協定可以獲確認的機會本身就低至接近零。//
@Perfume 這些加速大師真給力
"The multi-faceted approach ... should remain as the preferred way for the EU to deal with China. At the same time, further, robust efforts are needed on the implementation of existing actions and to address a number of new challenges."