"當然,我們去南中國海,北京會不滿意,但是,法國此舉的目的就是要捍衛聯合國的公海自由海洋的公約,《聯合國海洋法公約》是由一百多個國家簽署的公約,這一公約不能夠因為某一個國家的利益而被棄之不顧。這是法國軍隊巡航的唯一原因,在瑪麗安娜巡航任務結束之後,現在又有 代號為聖女貞德的演習,法國海軍將與美國,日本,澳大利亞等國的海軍在南海舉行聯合軍演,也是出於同樣的目的,在演習結束之後,法國軍艦將返回土倫港,這也是一次捍衛自由航行的演習,在一個可以自由航行的海域,南中國海並不是中國的內湖,也不可能成為中國的一條內湖。"
"The Award has also provided a legal basis for regional and extra-regional countries to clarify their positions on the South China Sea issues. This was seen in the diplomatic note exchange from late December 2019 to January 2021, which prompted a flurry of 25 notes verbales, two letters, and one statement by 11 regional and extra-regional players on issues pertinent to the South China Sea region: Brunei (one statement), China (nine notes verbales and one letter), Malaysia (three notes), the Philippines (three notes), Vietnam (three notes), Indonesia (two notes), the United States (one letter), and Australia, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan (one note each)."
"The Permanent Court of Arbitration is one of the oldest in the world but it is not part of the United Nations system of courts and tribunals. The PCA is a misnomer because it is not a court with a permanent panel of judges. It is in fact a facility that contains a chamber suitable for arbitral hearings. It also has a law library, legal archive, and administrative and support staff."
"Farhan said that China, in a separate letter, also protested against the predominantly land-based Garuda Shield military exercises in August, which took place during the standoff.
The exercises, involving 4,500 troops from the United States and Indonesia, have been a regular event since 2009. This was China's first protest against them, according to Farhan."
"據一家參與評估鑽探的俄羅斯能源商透漏,印尼政府於 2007 年跟一家英國私人公司簽訂了勘探合約,納土納海域的石油儲量估計為 1 億桶。法漢表示,中國過去並沒有就印尼探勘能源一事提出正式文件,而此次則是選擇在 9 月中國逗留印尼納土納群島外專屬經濟區引爭議之時發出外交照會,法漢說:「這些信件沒有(明言)任何威脅,但在我個人看來,我們必須將他們的態度視為是威脅,因為中國首次就南中國海或北納土納群島的領土主張發出外交公報。」"
"許多印尼學者和球迷對於地方官員為自身政治利益而犧牲印尼主辦世界盃球賽的機會而感到憤怒,印尼穆拉哇曼大學(Mulawarman University)法學院講師哈迪安斯夏(Herdiansyah Hamzah Castro)向中央社表示,這樣的結果是因為政治人物將足球賽與政治扯在一起,他認為反對以色列球隊參賽是錯誤的事。
足球分析師安東(Anton Sanjoyo)向媒體直言:「這些滿口髒話的政客只是在發表荒謬的言論,他們對俄羅斯和克里米亞、中國和新疆之間的衝突保持沉默,卻把這個問題當作大事,是雙重標準。」"