"美方官員估計,目前陳兵克里米亞與烏克蘭附近的俄軍已多達8萬人,約為4週前的近兩倍。歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表波瑞爾(Josep Borrell)則估計俄軍有10萬之譜,比2014年併吞克里米亞時部署的部隊還多,也遠高於目前陳兵烏克蘭東部的規模。"
忍不住笑出來: 派海防隊的巡防艦去黑海是滿節制的,意思意思一下避免刺激北極熊呢。
雷根號還沒進入南海, 英軍最大艘的驅逐艦就在黑海門戶的土耳其這邊, 據說要晃到月底為止:
"The vessel will remain embarked in Istanbul until entering the Black Sea with the dutch frigate. Thus, two ships will most likely remain in the Black Sea for 20 days.
HMS Defender is the fifth Type 45 built for the Royal Navy. Thus, she is the eighth ship to bear the name. She is also the largest and most powerful destroyer in the Navy’s fleet."
"Since those early days, Ukrainian air defenses have held off an onslaught of Russian missile and drone attacks. But those systems, according to American military officials and the leaked documents, are rapidly depleting, potentially offering a window for Russian planes to do severe damage.
Air defenses are layered, with different types of weapons designed to intercept aircraft and missiles flying at different altitudes — from low-flying helicopters to high-altitude bombers and cruise missiles. In Ukraine, these defensive weapons have also been used to target drones and cruise missiles as Ukrainian forces have tried to defend their cities from Russia’s campaign against the country’s infrastructure."
"And the mere fact that the materials leaked — and in particular the confirmation they offered that the U.S. government spies on allies and adversaries alike — may prove damaging to the generally unified coalition that has emerged to help Ukraine fend off the Russian invasion. It may also make allies think twice about sharing sensitive information."
"Officials in Washington have described the documents’ release as a major intelligence breach, but in Kyiv and Moscow, there is agreement on two things: The information is suspect, and the goal is subterfuge. They just don’t agree on who is behind it."
"The probe reflects the U.S. government’s deep concern that the leaks disclosed sensitive information about the war in Ukraine, intercepted communications about U.S. allies, and American penetration of Russian military plans. The accompanying diplomatic outreach also highlights the blow these leaks could deliver to close relationships the U.S. maintains with allies and security partners. "
"Other Project 141 sites include a deal for a Chinese naval outpost in Cambodia and a military facility whose purpose isn’t publicly known at a port in the United Arab Emirates, a former U.S. official said. None of the previously known Project 141 sites are in the Western Hemisphere.
Some of those facilities include intelligence-gathering capabilities as well, including a Chinese base in Djibouti on the Horn of Africa, Beijing’s only military base outside the Pacific region, where China has been working to build a facility for gathering signals intelligence."
布林肯這次去中國, 姿態再友善也是帶著警告去的:
[ On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he had told his counterparts in Beijing that the U.S. had “deep concerns” about Chinese spying and military activities in Cuba. ]