#Minecraft Bedrock is really chaffing my undies. Comparator reads a dropper with items, powers on correctly. Comparator *should* power an observer to power a piston raising the observer. When the observer is manually placed, the observer clock works and powers soul sand. I could test to see the powered soulsand correctly pulses the dropper, but I'm getting cranky and tired.
What I need is a way to empty a dropper through soulsand for a tile-able item water elevator. I keep getting burnt on #MinecraftParity issues. And I have to wonder if Redmond simply doesn't give a damn about Bedrock gameplay for normal things works the same. Hell, maybe the one from Java uses QC. But I'm running out of room to care, and I'm tired of getting burnt with Bedrock.
@trinsec I should mention the reason my wife and I are delving into MCBE is to eliminate the ability to use data packs, fabric mods, and spigot plugins for a "pure vanilla, no cheats" experience. When @mikmaqpeek cries out for help, I have ZERO temptation to break out the "cheat hammer" because it doesn't exist.
But we keep hitting differences in game play between Redmond and Stockholm's versions of the game. I'm rather cranky they don't just cut an agreement on "how this works" using the same logic as applies to both and go with *THAT*.