The case for slow reading.
A new promise of being able to speed read over 1000 words a minute while retaining full comprehension swings around every so often. But hang on a second.
Get fit for the coming new age.
Go follow @kemonine and exchange healthy recipes.
Hello everyone !
📢 🔴 URGENT 🔴
An awesome software is dying, because its #developper has not time anymore to care of it.
It's an alternative of Adobe AfterEffect : Natron (
Please, can Mastodon community search for a C++ dev, which want to maintain it ? or search for a company which work with free software ? It's very important.
Boost very appreciated
Thanks in advance for your contribution !
Hey #qoto folks, if you are like myself and mighty confused by Transexuality/Transgender things, I would like to recommend @TranimeGirl 's youtube:
I am learning a lot here from her point of view and it's all exceedingly interesting to me. She explains things well from the standpoint of a MtF transexual (Correct me if that is incorrect, Tranime)
She seems to have a very common sense approach to things, and I appreciate deeply her forthright manner and opinions.
Whatever my opinion is worth, I am very much enjoying learning from her regarding her condition and how it affects her life.
If you post something on social media, you are explicitly inviting people to comment and share their opinions. If that is not your intent then set privacy settings accordingly.
Regardless if you post something and are offended by respectful differences of opinion, and go so far as to silence those opinions, then **you** are the problem.
If you expect people to listen to your views on blast without giving them the common decency to reply, and be listened to in return, its time for you to reevaluate yourself because you are likely the perfect example of why the world is falling apart right now.
My Writing Blog
Vikram Karve | Writing by Vikram Karve from Pune India
If i ever have kids I hope he is transgendered just so I can tell this joke one day!
#trans #transsexual #transgender #joke #jokes #meme #humor #humour
Pro tip of the day: One of the most effective ways to distinguish between someone who is virtue signaling vs someone wishing to engage in an actual productive discussion about a difference of opinion is simple... just offer to move the conversation to private.
If they suddenly become silent then it was all just virtual signaling noise. If however they continue the conversation then they were truly after personal understanding for themselves or you, and thus are likely discussing the issue in good faith.
Works every time if you ever have doubts.
#developer #programming #music #learning #frontend #gamedev #writing
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Born in Hong Kong, lived in Australia, working holiday in UK.