Terrifying New Horror Movie For Liberal Audiences Shows Politicians Leaving Them Alone, Letting Them Make Own Decisions
“It’s Atlas Shrugged meets The Quiet Place.”
To think a year ago they were Dancing on TikTok as Heroes
Well, today I will tell my boss and maybe his boss that I'm going to look for a new job after 7 years here because I can't support what they're pushing (off shoring my team's work and asking for my team to train up and oversee off shore rather than be the developers they were hired to be), and they aren't listening to my concerns, warnings, objections.
I don't have another job yet, but I also won't be around for another year with them pushing this. My team isn't going to stick around either. They want to be software developers, not people who write up documentation for other developers to do.
Somewhat stressed.
Fathers play vital role, says leading psychologist https://ionainstitute.ie/news-roundup/fathers-play-vital-role-says-leading-psychologist/
My employer sent a memo today, with the NYS healthcare worker mandate set to take effect on Monday, they aren’t terminating people, they are being so kind as to put people on “mandate leave”,which is unpaid, you can be on mandate leave for up to 60 days after which you will be terminated, but you could be terminated any time after 30 days. If you comply you can “request” to be reinstated but if they already filled your spot, Well, sorry, there is no guarantee they will take you back. Fun Times
[RT @wrathofgnon]
A beautiful passage in my favorite book, that I read and re-read (my original copy is a bundle of lose leaves kept together by a piece of string), G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy: "...for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we.”
I'm interested in being just not civil, but excellent in interacting with others of different viewpoints in an online world where we can so viciously defend our echo chambers and be so dismissive of other perspectives.
I'm a #Dad of several from toddler to teen, #Husband, #Christian, #Anglican, Unaffiliated #conservatarian, Software #Developer, #Coloradan, Reader of paper #books, Card and BoardGamer, #tea drinker, solving problems and helping millions escape extreme poverty as a #Salesforce #Architect at an amazing nonprofit.