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In 2021 I ran my first marathon exactly seven months after breaking my leg. The last five miles were very painful. I'd hate to be in that situation again...

So I'm leaning in. I've registered for my second marathon, four months from now, just finished the first week of training.

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
the engineer's urge to just nuke everything and start all over again
SecondJon boosted
There's really no health incentive for someone healthy like me to get vaxxed, especially as the #Coronavirus gets less and less deadly.

I have the antibodies so I must have had it before. I didn't notice though, I wasn't sick. If you catch #COVID there's a high chance I won't get any symptoms, yet if I get vaxxed I now know for a fact I will get sicker than if I caught #COVID!

What's the point? We all know that getting vaccinated doesn't keep you from catching or spreading #COVID anyways.
SecondJon boosted
I sure am glad this #Target is forcing me to slowly wither away due to dehydration rather than risking my health by drinking out of a water foundation
SecondJon boosted

Happy First day of Christmas! Eleven more to go.

SecondJon boosted

What if mobile sites were designed like apps? A paginated screen with all of the nonsense right up front, instead of a clutter of pop-ups.

Welcome to! We just have a few questions before we get started. We use cookies, is that okay? Do you want to download our app? Can we send you notifications? Do you want to sign up for a newsletter? Would you like to make a donation to keep our content 'free'?

Tap 'no', three or four times and it's done, you can read your article in peace knowing you won't have another one pop up.

SecondJon boosted
Don't blame the pandemic for what the government does to you

Blame corruption and incompetence for that
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

Prediction: The protagonist will be able to have it all. Finally.

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

Nothing is more permanent than a “temporary” government program

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

I drove down to Highlands Ranch to get my hair cut today to get out of maskville here in . A sign on the door said they trust their customers to make their own decisions.

The barbers may have all been masked, but not all employees, and customers were mixed.

Shocking idea, trusting people to make their own decisions.

I'll be giving my spending money to Douglas and Broomfield counties when I can and as long as they have pro choice policies about masks.

I will be taking a small paycut, which I haven't chosen to do before. But I'm apparently good at what I do and I'm eager to have every hour of my work contribute directly to saving lives and the other good that this organization does.

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