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SecondJon boosted

Which country puts the most plastic in the ocean?

Hint: It's NOT the U.S.

Pollution in annual metric tons:

China: 8.8m

Indonesia: 3.2m

Philippines: 1.9m

Sri Lanka: 1.6m

Thailand: 1.0m

Bangladesh: 0.8m

United States: 0.3m

#Prager #Bangladesh #China #Indonesia #Philippines #SriLanka #Thailand #UnitedStates

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SecondJon boosted

I wonder what CNN’s ratings would be if it wasn’t mandatory viewing at every airport.


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SecondJon boosted

Yup, me too. If I could have seen the reality of what an abortion is—the killing of a baby visibly growing inside his mother's womb—I never would have even considered describing myself as "pro-choice." …


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SecondJon boosted

First Colorado primary (we were Caucus state until now), in a state with early mail in ballots for all registered voters, first time with an open primary as well. What could go wrong? How about : your vote doesn't count depending on just how the candidate technically suspended their campaign.


SecondJon boosted

73-year-old Donald Trump, the oldest man ever elected president for the first time, is now the youngest man left in the presidential race. (Even his primary challenger Bill Weld is 74.) …


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This is new : SMS messaging from a campaign volunteer. This one is from Warren's campaign.

SecondJon boosted


Florida population—21,000,000
New York population—20,000,000

FL state budget—$177B
NY State budget—$348B

FL education budget—$28B
NY education budget—$69B

FL welfare budget—$28B
NY welfare budget—$71B

Yet Florida still has better schools and a stronger economy

#Turning_Point_USA #Florida #NewYork

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Socialism is not compassion. Capitalism is not compassion. Compassion is compassion.

Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency

"Let's call it Trumpvirus," urged a New York Times opinion writer conspiratorially. Nancy Pelosi groused that President Trump waited too long to attack the coronavirus (COVID-19) and then impetuously declared he couldn't have leftover and unspent Ebola virus money to fight it, while Senator Chuck...

... Now, let's go to the Wayback Machine. In April of 2009, the H1N1 became a pandemic.
But it wasn't until six months later, October, that then-President Obama declared a public health emergency on what was already a pandemic. By that time, the disease had infected millions of Americans and more than 1,000 people had died in the U.S.

And if you think the world is going to end, the best thing you can do is stop having children. That’s telling the world: “You can’t fire us... we quit!”

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Opinion: Is The Most Prosperous Era In Human History A Good Time To Have Kids?

People are always uncertain what kind of world they would be bringing any potential children into, and as we look at the current era, with its boundless prosperity and opportunity unlike mankind has ever seen, people are just not certain that now is a good time to have kids.Smartphones. The internet. Netflix. These are things kids would distract us from. In pr …

SecondJon boosted

As horrible as COVID-19 may be, if you're healthy and under 70 you probably don't have much to worry about if you /do/ catch it based on these stats.

#coronavirus #pandemic #WuTangVirus

SecondJon boosted

By Inauguration Day 2021, Bernie, Biden and Bloomberg would have reached the average U.S. male’s life expectancy. 

#WSJ #Bernie #Biden

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SecondJon boosted

So a bunch of y'all seem super confused about why I'm here and why I left #QOTO so here goes.

As many of you may know, I've been on #QOTO for a long time, originally using it as a SFW account, where I wouldn't retoot posts with explicit content, and talk about politics only minimally (although this would go on to change when I would toot during work in the summers while listening to talk radio and such). However, after my frustrations with @a's actions in regards to angrily condemning porn users in a ploy to get more users and attention during #coomergate, I left Gab for #QOTO, using it as my main instance and joining, using that for my SFW account.

For a long time, things were going smoothly. While many were angry that I used to be a Gab user (strangely ignoring the fact that I left it, strongly condemned the rhetoric of Andrew, and refuse to continue to recommend it), and I continued to have haters come at me, but things were great. I was exposed to a larger group of users from broader perspectives, which in many ways meant being on #QOTO was a far better experience than being on #Gab.

Where did things go wrong? Well, not too long ago I made a joke that referenced how chromosomes determine if someone is male or female, which led to backlash from many users (one of whom was and still is an admin at #QOTO), and the thread lasted for around two whole days. In the aftermath, users have apparently been report-bombing the thread, most of whom (from what I have heard from the #QOTO admins) are from I have no idea who these people are, because they have not reached out to me.

Yesterday the admins made me aware of the fact that this is still a problem, and one mentioned that this could negatively impact #QOTO's reputation in the #Fediverse, causing instances to ban it (as had already done) for being some sort of haven for right wingers, despite the fact that I am one out of very few conservatives over there. After some consideration, I have decided the best things for all parties is to move to; #QOTO is not far right (it doesn't even lean right lol) and I won't let my presence there cast that appearance on it.

In closing, I have two things to say:

1) Thanks to the admins who have been standing by me since I joined #QOTO, and have all the way up to this moment have been communicating with me and are still willing to support me. I will continue to support them and recommend it as a good #Mastodon instance to join.

2) If you have an issue with me, and me alone, and you aren't a scaredy-cat, just come at me bro. I don't care if it's in the DMs or in public, but don't harass other users and blame them for what I say if you have a problem with any of my posts. I will be glad to expound and clarify, all you have to do is ask.


SecondJon boosted

Parents Of Young Children Hire Babysitter So They Can Drive Around Corner And Nap In Their Car For Three Hours 

2020-02-27, 16:30:15

on a business trip recently, I ran up and up a hill to a lookout point over the city. Rough running up. But running down I set an all time personal record for fastest mile.

If only all runs were downhill!

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

The history of the 20th century is full of examples of countries that set out to redistribute wealth and ended up redistributing poverty.


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SecondJon boosted

HA! Socialist Bernie complaining that Trump is undermining American Democracy.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.