@rogue_tr00per I think this also illustrates why a lot of people prefer "All Lives Matter", because as a phrase it more accurately represents the intent (the middle chart).

Most people who use All Lives Matter that I personally know (I'm not one of them, though I do use Every Life Matters) have always noted that blacks have a struggle, they just felt the best way to fix any inequality is not by addressing identity politics but by directly helping people based on suffering or unfairness rather than the color of their skin. The end result is the same that those who suffer more get more help, but it is simply a better way to arrive at the solution in their mind. In that regard at least, I agree.


I'm not a native English speaker, so sorry if this is a dumb question, but what's the difference between "every life matters" and "all lifes matter"? I mean I don't get why one could prefer one sentence to the other.

I think that one of the core issue of this phenomenon is that most of Americans (whatever their race) have no cue about how big and varied is the word.

Structural racism in 2020 is an USA issue. To European people, saying that "alm" or "elm" is a way to point to the our own inequality issues, that are not linked to race but to income. Here it's quite evident that dividing the poors into black, white and so on, is just helping the rich to further oppress them.
So when Europeans say that all lifes matter, they mean: oppressed do not divide among yourselves, but unite and fight together the oppressors!


@Shamar @freemo
never heard such utter rubbish in my life. have even been to Europe?

@Shamar @freemo well things may be like that there(which theyre not). but your great insight into all the people of europe & how they think doesnt even come close to reality. especially if you live in UK/FRANCE/GERMANY and other nearby countries where the far right are prolific.
but somehow Italy doesnt according to you ๐Ÿ˜‚
but the fact you had to write an essay to try and explain a meme (which a 6yr old would understand) shows how one sided you think ๐Ÿ˜‚
have yourself a great day dude ๐Ÿ˜‚



Why are you attacking me?

Anyway I was talking about structural racism, "the system" in the meme.

We have racists even here but they are not taken much seriously from the vast majority of the population.

Racism here is just an excuse to get a little bit of power over a small minority of (sadly) ignorant people by spreading believes into simple solutions to complex problem.
In Italy for example we have a party, called Lega that now collect the vote of Italian racists, but years ago the same party was called Lega Nord and instead of migrants it directed hate and fear against Italians coming from the south of the country.

So it's overly simplistic to pretend we have the same issues people have in the States.


ยท ยท 1 ยท 0 ยท 0

@Shamar @freemo attacking you? are you high? where have i attacked you?
do you mean because i called your thinking one sided?
and its A MEME! its meant to be simplistic
and if you want to talk overtly simplistic ( not to mention completely wrong) how about you claiming European people saying ALM is a way of them trying to unite people for the greater cause against the oppressors! (thats comedy gold by the way ๐Ÿ˜‚ )

@Shamar @freemo now if you stil want to claim im attacking you then thats YOUR problem because you cant take criticism for ridiculous statements
its you thats on my page


Maybe there is a language barrier at work.

Anyway, if you say to an European that "black lives matter", there is a very high probability you will get as a response something like "sure, obviously: all lives matters!".

That's because there is no STRUCTURAL racism here, but there are other forms of structural oppression at work.

If you don't care about such other form of oppression that are more common here (and are basically due to income and wealth), fine: your problem.

I was just trying to explain a cultural mismatch that usually cause hated misunderstandings... like you see in this conversation.


@Shamar @freemo and i suggest you go and take another look at the meme & its message because people like yourself seem to have an issue with not being included in the statement BLM. even tho the whole point of this meme was to clarify that it does in fact mean ALL lives matter.
and all i can say is HERE & USA (but no where else according to you) almost everyone who responds with ALM after encountering BLM have far right/anti immigrant views.


No really: I don't care about being or not being included among the lives that matter!

My life matter for the people I love. To me that's enough. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I was just trying to explain why the argument of the meme fails short in Europe.

Most of us know that dialogue with people different from us is the only way to progress. And we know that usually, those who spread hate and fear (far right, far left, whatever) do not want to see problems solved, because their power comes from such problems.


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