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"Fast" is arguably a concern, not something Aral (or me) would give a shit.

Simplicity however is very important, in different ways, for both of us.

However when you try to figure out how simple is your software, you cannot ignore the stack you are using.

How many milions of lines of codes are behind those 100 ones?

This obviously apply to any stack, go, python, perl, lisp... even C!

Hidden complexity is not simplicity.



Aral... and simplicity cannot stay on the same sentence without a negation somewhere.

Node can be easy.
Node can be powerful.
Node can be expressive.

But it isn't simple. Or secure.

Shamar boosted
Coming up on 1 year on the fediverse.

I started out self-hosting my services with a nextcloud. It was really great having access to a service like that anywhere I went. It was a shock to realize that when you run your own service you can use it however you like -- there's no admin to complain that you're not using it the way they want.

Shortly after, big tech started their shenanigans in earnest -- Once they've banned the sitting president of the united states, there's no chance of escaping the censorship.

I started out on alt tech, minds and bitchute. They were fine, but you could see that all it would take is someone to change their minds about how to run the site and suddenly we're back to square 1. On supposedly free-speech minds, one of my posts got reported and at that point I just wasn't interested anymore.

Around the same time, Google had been warning they were going to shut down hangouts. Over my life, I've had a lot of services I use shut down or change such that I can't use it anymore, and it's getting annoying.

I started to go about figuring out how to start up my own service.

I tried Friendica at first. There are some things I really liked about friendica. Once I got the interface working the way I liked it was definitely a looker, and I still prefer the way it shows threads by default. Unfortunately, I found that friendica was very heavy on the back-end to the point that I wasn't able to know for sure if my posts were getting out there. If I had a beefier server it probably would have been fine, but I didn't.

Next I moved to pleroma, and it was much more responsive.

Today I'm running pleroma on the back-end with soapbox-fe as my front-end. Along the way I also set up a peertube instance, a searx instance, an invidious instance, a Matrix homeserver, an xmpp homeserver, and a lotide instance.

It's really cool! Essentially, most of the tabs I have open now are from my own services.

There's lots of interesting people on here so content isn't really a problem. Some people have reported my posts, but that's because they're literally stupid. Every report I've seen is "I disagree with this guys politics!" which was summarily ignored.

The only service I still routinely use from big tech is youtube, though now mostly through my invidious instance. I spend a lot of time on my peertube instance, however.

I'm pretty sold on the fediverse ecosystem at this point, and I'm totally sold on self-hosting. Nobody will get rich off of it, but what I envision is someone coming up with a box that you can install in your house that will allow setting up and maintaining self-hosted services automatically, and then everyone would be independently using their own services that communicate with others' self-hosted services.

I grew up on the Free Internet. I don't care to live on the locked down Internet. I like seeing ideas I don't agree with. I like seeing things that make me feel uncomfortable. I like seeing things I think are wrong. I like seeing things that make me think and maybe change my own views. This is the last best bastion of freedom left.
Shamar boosted
Shamar boosted La scuola e l'università potrebbero, ma - salvo eccezioni - in Italia sono fra gli enti che aderiscono e favoriscono l'assuefazione agli oligopoli proprietari.
Individualmente tento di farlo sfruttando l'articolo 33 della costituzione, ma questo significa venir sistematicamente emarginati da coloro che si sono adeguati all'idea che il modello del docente universitario debba essere il ragionier Filini.

Shamar boosted

Non è impossibile evitare di sottomettersi a GAFAM Ma come trasformare le scelte individuali in scelte collettive, soprattutto per chi lavora in istituzioni e aziende che fanno l'opposto?

Shamar boosted
Andrea Lattanzi è il vincitore della quinta edizione del premio giornalistico under 35 Letizia Leviti, la cui cerimonia si è svolta a Palazzo Vecchio alla presenza del sindaco di Firenze Dario Nardella. Lattanzi ha ottenuto il riconoscimento per l’articolo pubblicato su La Stampa dal titolo "Una vita senza Big tech, storie di chi cerca alternative ai giganti del web: non barattiamo i nostri dati per i loro servizi". Nella motivazione si legge che il lavoro di Lattanzi "è un lavoro ‘politico’, nel senso più alto del termine. Un lavoro di visione, di concetto, che ci dimostra come, anche in questi anni che viviamo, ci si possa ’slegare’ dai vincoli della tecnologia.…
Shamar boosted

Completely bloat-free, javascript-free lightbox implementations. Insanely optimized, pure CSS. Makes viewing images on web pages more user-friendly.

The optimized version is currently 140 bytes!

I've had this for a while now, and thought I'd publish it.

Shamar boosted

Eidas has strict requirements/audit/sanctions for CAs that operate in the EU

Todat they are the issuers of digital signatures, which are the basis of all transactions with legal validity in Europe.

Browsers rigid standards = chosen by Google.

Trust a private monopolist more?
RT @doctorow
EU's Digital Identity Framework Endangers Browser Security

What's the source?

Shamar boosted
Shamar boosted
Shamar boosted

«Manifest V3 è un dannoso passo indietro per la #privacy su Internet. … Niente che #ManifestV3 introduce nel suo stato attuale può aiutare a proteggere la privacy. Gli sviluppatori e gli utenti di estensioni dovrebbero agire con fermezza contro di essa.»
#Google sta cambiando tutto, rimuovendo le funzionalità nelle API di #Chrome su cui si basano queste estensioni e lo fa in nome della sicurezza, della privacy e delle pprestazioni, ma c'è chi ne dubita
Di Richi #Jennings


(little implicit premise: when I say "fork" I mean Plan9 style rfork, that let you specify what is inherited by the parent process... except for the stack, which is inherited anyway)

The fact is that both inherited memory and `malloc`ed one (and even `mmap` one in linux, afaik!) is just a promise you get from a cheating kernel: the physical memory is NOT assigned to the process until the last possible instant (the memory access fault).

In this is also true for the stack that is handled as copy on write, but I'd guess on and , all other segments are CoW too.

Also in a Plan9 system, pages are 4096 bytes chunks, so the CoW is pretty conservative and after a fork only one new physical page is assigned to the new process (the page where the return value of the fork syscall get written).

So, in theory, fork is not that coarse memory hungry faggot.


But AFAIK this happens with malloc too: pages are assigned to processes only on read/write faults. In modern systems memory is always overcommitted.

It is dangerous, but consider the alternative: most allocated memory would stay unused and you could run a fraction of the programs you run on the same hardware.


Well, this is a good answer, but in fact, on plan9 you only get a new process: memory is only copied on write.

So it's not necessarily a malloc.

Also rfork give you a good degree of control on what is copied.



And well can it be worse then malloc/free?


Well, to be precise, you'd need to know it at loading time. In mainstream os this mean you must know it at compile time to save such info in your ELF binary or something.

But could we imagine something more flexible than that?

@lanodan @lunarised


Pixel density and size of a display can be known in advance.

Windows' max size is that of the (virtual) display and actually, if you properly align your memory buffer, when the actual size is smaller then the available memory, several pages are never faulted.

@wolf480pl @lunarised

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