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Or maybe a dynamic dns zone?
Actually it's something that is starting to sell with domain names...

It opens several possibilities.


Shamar boosted

L’agenzia europea che dovrebbe combattere il crimine ha raccolto una montagna tale di dati da far pensare che svolga compiti di sorveglianza di massa ricalcando così i passi dell’Nsa. L’opacità è grande, e sono pochissimi gli europei consapevoli di essere finiti nel database pur non avendo commesso reati. L’attivista olandese a cui è capitato racconta che essere schedato è un’esperienza terribile.


I'd argue that, in fact, this fact makes the metaphor even more precise.

In the long run, all backdoors are discovered by enough people that corporations have to close them to prevent bad PR.

But in the meamwhile, backdoors get exploited by bad actors that pretend to be good (intelligence agency, and "security corporations).

All you need it the hole to be small enough that nobody notice it for a while.

At times I feel sad for all those engineers at that got their backdoors overwritten by bitcoin miners by script kiddies after became a viral meme.

And by "sad" I mean... ROTFL! 🤣

Anyway, great comics, @madargon!

Shamar boosted


Scusate ma... non l'ho capita.

Mi sono perso un'altra epica cappella di ?


Shamar boosted


We have published #LiberaForms version 2.0.0! 🥳

For more info, please visit the blog

Most notable news for end users:

Multimedia content can be added into the forms, uploading it directly from the computer
We have made the elemets for creating forms more easily comprehensible
You can use templates to create forms from then
It is now easier for new user to create their first form
Users can upload files as an answer to forms
You can share your new forms directly in the #Fediverse from inside LiberaForms
We have improved the way of inspecting answers. You can now see the answers to each question in a single row, and even filter and sort the answers
In addition to CSV, you can now download the answers in PDF and JSON formats
Translations updated. You can now use LiberaForms also in
Several more improvements and fixes

If you come across any problem, report them directly in our code repository, write us on the Fediverse or send us an email


Hemos publicado la versión #LiberaForms 2.0.0! 🥳

Para más información, visita el blog [en inglés]

Estas son las novedades más destacables para las usuarias:

Se puede añadir contenido multimedia en los formularios, subiéndolo directamente desde el ordenador
Hemos hecho que los elementos para crear los formularios sean más comprensibles
Se pueden usar plantillas para crear formularios partiendo de ellas
Ahora es más fácil para las nuevas usuarias crear su primer formulario
Se pueden subir archivos como respuesta a formularios
Se pueden compartir los nuevos formularios directamente en el #Fediverso, desde LiberaForms
Hemos mejorado el modo de inspeccionar las respuestas. Ahora se pueden ver las respuestas a cada pregunta en una sola linea, e incluso filtrar y ordenar las respuestas
Además de en CSV, se pueden descargar las respuestas en PDF y JSON
Traducciones actualizadas. Ahora puedes usar LiberaForms también en
Varias mejoras y correcciones más

Si encuentras cualquier problema, repórtalos directamente en nuestro repositorio de código, escríbenos por el Fediverso o por correo electrónico.


#LiberaForms 2.0.0 bertsioa argitaratu dugu! 🥳

Informazio gehiagorako, ikusi bloga [inglesez]

Berrikuntzen artean, hauek daude:

Multimedia gehitu daiteke galdetegietan, zuzenean ordenagailutik igota
Galdetegiak sortzeko elementuak ulerterrazagoak egin ditugu
Txantiloiak erabili daitezke, bertatik abiatuta galdetegiak sortzeko
Errazago jarri diegu erabiltzaile berriei lehen galdetegia sortzea
Galdetegian edonolako fitxategiak igotzeko eskatu daiteke
Galdetegi berriak zuzenean #Fedibertso​an partekatu daitezke, LiberaFormsetik
Jasotako erantzunak ikuskatzeko modua hobetu dugu. Orain galdera guztien erantzunak lerro berdinean ikusi daitezke, eta baita erantzunak iragazi eta ordenatu ere
Erantzunak PDF eta JSON formatuetan deskargatu daitezke, CSVaz gain
Itzulpenak eguneratuta. Orain #esperanto​z ere erabili daiteke
Hainbat hobekuntza eta zuzenketa gehiago

Edozein akats aurkituz gero, eman arazoaren berri zuzenean gure kode-biltegian, idatziguzu Fedibertsotik edo epostaz helbidera


Hem publicat la versió #LiberaForms 2.0.0! 🥳

Per a més informació, visita el blog [en anglès].

Aquestes són les novetats més destacades per a les usuàries:

Es pot afegir contingut multimèdia als formularis, carregant-lo directament des de l’ordinador. Hem fet que els elements per a crear formularis siguin més comprensibles**.
Es poden utilitzar plantilles per a crear nous formularis.
Ara és més fàcil per a les noves usuàries crear el seu primer formulari.
Es poden carregar arxius com a resposta a formularis. Es poden compartir els nous formularis directament a la #Fedivers des de LiberaForms. Hem millorat la manera d’inspeccionar les respostes. Ara es poden veure les respostes a cada pregunta en una sola línia i fins i tot filtrar i ordenar les respostes.
A més de CSV, també es poden descarregar les respostes en formats PDF i JSON.
Traduccions actualitzades. Ara pots utilitzar LiberaForms també en
Diverses millores i correccions més.

Si trobes qualsevol problema, notifica-ho directament al nostre repositori de codi, escriu-nos pel Fedivers o per correu electrònic.

Shamar boosted

Even better (in my biased opinion):

But let's be clear: developers have the right to change their project code as they wish, introducing infinite loops, embrarassing easter eggs, and whatever for any reason!

It's up to you that use their work to make sure they have no reason to hate you.
If you don't, prepare for this new form of to occur more and more.


No blockchain bullshit?

Ok, I'll give a look


Ok, taken seriously this might work.

An Universal Maximum Wealth bound to the minimum effective wealth on Earth might even work better.

Shamar boosted
Shamar boosted

@Shamar yes, avoiding dynamic memory allocation can be fun. Implementing your own allocator can be more fun. Debugging someone else's custom allocator's interaction with a custom event loop is even more fun.


My point is that if you think about it, even mundane issues like memory allocation might be solved in arcane ways, sometimes removing whole class of bugs.


No malloc, no use after free!

Problem solved! :-D

Shamar boosted

Una nuova proposta di legge sta venendo presentata nello stato del "New Hampshire" per migliorare l'uso del #softwarelibero nella pubblica amministrazione.

Questa proposta di legge ha il potenziale di avere un grosso impatto positivo su tutta la società
Di Leah #Rowe su

Shamar boosted

If GDPR breaks your business model, you should probably reconsider your ethical standards.

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Shamar boosted

A federation-oriented project like #Gitea deserves to be under #AGPL to protect the user community and the ecosystem.

Shamar boosted

@devol @alessandrogreco è andata benino: per la prima volta si è fatta una manifestazione su #Assange in tre città italiane contemporaneamente. Poche persone e la diretta (su Zoom 🤬) è stata interrotta da un'incursione di pornotroll (😭), ma la cosa più bella è stata la presenza del Collettivo Assange: un gruppo di studenti del Liceo Newton!!!

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