Il riassunto operativo dei lavori della conferenza Avanti piano, quasi indietro: la riforma europea della valutazione della ricerca in Italia è ora disponibile qui.
Le disavventure della riforma europea della #valutazione della ricerca (#COARA) in Italia. Se non avete seguito la conferenza @aisa di aprile c'è il riassunto operativo qui:
Io semplicemente non la uso.
C'è un sito web da cui posso fare tutto.
@luca @informatica @salvadorbs @informapirata @lealternative
I padroni dei social media sono "i più grandi dittatori". L'allarme della giornalista premio Nobel per la pace
La giornalista Maria Ressa ha nominato Mark Zuckerberg ed Elon Musk durante un discorso al festival letterario Hay a Powys
Le piattaforme dei social media hanno la capacità di “cambiare il modo in cui ci sentiamo”, ha detto, il che a sua volta “cambia il modo in cui vediamo il mondo e cambia il modo in cui agiamo”.
> Hurl is a language created for one purpose: to explore a language based around exception handling as the only control flow.
Ah kids... exceptions are just GOTO.
*dramatic hamster meme*
@rsf92 @pluralistic I spent 15 years, from 2005 to 2020, working with my neighbors to build a fiber network in our rural town (Plainfield, Mass. pop. 600) in western Massachusetts. Most of that time was dealing with funding and regulatory issues, but by the time everyone stayed home to avoid the pandemic in 2020, working with the local municipal gas/electric/fiber department in the city of Westfield we had the network in place and most of the homes installed. 1 Gbps for $85, symmetrical, uncapped. It meant that while families in other towns were driving to library parking lots so their kids could use the WiFi to do their schoolwork, in our town they had faster broadband in their homes.
4 years later and we have not had to change prices. We are now interconnected with 5 neighboring towns in a mesh to share diverse backhaul paths and get increased economies of scale. We are building a stabilization fund to cover insurance deductibles, equipment replacement, and upgrades, and we are keeping more dollars in the regional economy instead of having it siphoned off to Verizon shareholders.
"We believe that the ideal online communication network is larger than any single organization, and that it should offer people freedom and choice. That’s why we built #Snikket on open standards (#XMPP) and everything we produce is open source, so that people can inspect it and run it themselves."
- @snikket_im
Educare è creare possibilità, ossia aumentare il potere di agire. Le sue dimensioni sono: la comunicazione, ossia la profondità nella relazione con l’altro; la filosofia, ossia la sospensione dell’adesione alla visione del mondo ricevuta; l’apertura, ossia la consuetudine con mondi culturali diversi, vicini o lontani nel tempo e nello spazio; l’intelligenza, ossia la considerazione profonda della realtà che ci circonda; la spiritualità, ossia il rapporto profondo con sé stessi.
Centrale è la categoria della profondità. Educare è muoversi oltre la superficie: di sé stessi, degli altri, del mondo culturale cui apparteniamo.
[Da _Insegnare. Un'idea di scuola_, in preparazione.]
"Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers."
The computer, however, will stop you from recording DRM'd content.
Find it fascinating that when faced with drawing safety and security boundaries, the primary beneficiary is not the owner of the device, or the person using it, but random corporations who control the intellectual property rights.
The system doesn't work for you.
The highly pro-inflammatory and pervasive microplastics and nanoplastics: previously found in arteries and associated with increased in heart attacks and strokes, now in all human testes that were assessed.
What does it mean for a company to "know" that their products are harming people, how do corporate scientists convince themselves not to look at the truth, and how does that change?
Stop what you're doing and read this *extraordinary* story right now by Sharon Lerner for ProPublica and the New Yorker.
Come 3M ha nascosto per decenni una catastrofe ambientale globale
3M come ILVA, Eternit etc...
Google (trans v.) (goo-gul)
1. To destroy a product while coasting on your reputation
2. To take a well liked product and cancel it
3. (Archaic, obsolete) To search on the internet
Excellent article by Sharon Lerner. Long but reads fast like intrigue fiction (but 100% true).
#pollution #PublicHealth #CorporateCrime #3M #environment
> After the late ’70s, when 3M scientists established that the chemical was toxic in animals and was accumulating in humans, it produced millions of pounds per year.
> all people have at least one forever chemical in their blood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.