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Shamar boosted

Continuo la cronaca della seduta aperta del senato accademico - consiglio di amministrazione di #unipi. Gli studenti per la #Palestina di scienze politiche sottolineano che il proposto #boicottaggio non riguarda i singoli docenti e studenti, bensì le istituzioni che non proteggono la libertà accademica, ma si sono al servizio del governo - perché le poche voci dissidenti interne possano avere più forza. Aggiungo: la dipendenza dell'università dal potere esecutivo non è solo israeliana.

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chatcontrol future plans 

So, along with today's leak and a document published by the Commission, we have some new info how chatcontrol proposal will proceed:

- Tomorrow, on 2024-06-13, the presidency will publish the progress on the proposal and intends to issue new compromise texts (src: , last page)
- Next week, on 2024-06-19, the COREPER II group will try to find a compromise which the Council will be able to agree to (src: leak)

#chatcontrol #Chatkontrolle #privacy

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Delega in bianco al governo su #scuola e #università. Non è una novità: i colleghi che si sono sottomessi alla #valutazione di stato inghiottiranno anche questa, cercando di trarne qualche vantaggio personale: Si tratta di un'operazione fin dall'inizio fascista, in continuità con una tendenza che non risale certo a ieri: Nel 2012 i commenti, quando usavo l'aggettivo con la "f" erano increduli: e ora?

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Shamar boosted

Did you know that #XScreenSaver (yes, the collection of screensavers for X11) is available on Android?

And that #Google requires it to have a privacy policy in order to be available in the Play Store?

And that the maintainer chose to crowd-source a privacy policy where every item starts with "Unlike Google"?

It's become a great list of all the privacy violations Google did and still does. And I thought that it's gonna be long, but it's even longer than I imagined.

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Great news, everybody! Google has approved the updated XScreenSaver Privacy Policy. I assume that this means that they find it 100% factual and endorse it entirely.

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Ecco la presentazione del nostro piano d'azione per attuare gli impegni di @CoARAssessment Quanto per noi è facile, perché siamo indipendenti dalla valutazione di stato, è invece molto difficile per gli enti sotto il suo tallone ( Gli italiani, come mostra la vicenda dei #nutriscore (, sono peraltro bravissimi a far fallire iniziative europee quando capita che siano a favore dei molti invece che dei pochi.

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Le slide della nostra presentazione al Capitolo nazionale italiano del 6 giugno 2024 sono visibili qui: abbiamo cercato di spiegare perché quanto risulta difficile per gli enti soggetti alla valutazione di stato italiana è invece per noi facile.

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#Napoli, comitato per l'#acqua pubblica contro il sindaco Manfredi. Padre #Zanotelli si incatena in piazza Municipio

In prima fila il padre comboniano Alex Zanotelli che si è incatenato contro la modifica dello statuto dell’azienda speciale del Comune di Napoli per il ciclo delle acque, Abc (Acqua Bene Comune).

Zanotelli ha spiegato: “Come deciso nel referendum sull’acqua del 2011, questo bene deve essere sottratto al mercato e alle logiche di #profitto”.

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Elezioni Europee: nell'Europarlamento uscente solo 4 italiani hanno preso una posizione netta contro #Chatcontrol


Sono i tre MEP ex M5S Corrao, che non si ricandida, Pedicini, candidato con Pace, terra, dignità di Santoro e Rosa D'Amato, candidata con Alleanza Verdi SInistra come il 4o MEP, Smeriglio che allora votò in dissenso con il PD e col gruppo PSE).

Qui potete vedere le posizioni dei MEP di tutti i paesi:

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To those people who are coming at me about security training - at best, it reduces the problem, but doesn’t come close to eliminating it. And you’ve not lived until you have a person who opened the wrong email being skewered by senior management, who insists the whole thing was their fault, after all, “they took the training”

No, I am not on that train. It is part of a program, but it is NOT a security control. I will die on this hill.

Shamar boosted

It just clicked in my brain. What I haven't been able to articulate about why I'm so anxious about #Windows Recall. I'm sure others have already gotten to where I am.

It's worse than "a system that tracks everything you do" and stores that info in a basic database that could be easily compromised.
It's worse than a nanny surveillance tool for companies to spy on their employees.

It's inescapable.

It doesn't matter if I make a dozen "how to disable recall" tutorials. The second YOUR data shows up on someone ELSE'S screen, it's in THEIR recall database.

It won't matter if you're a master #security expert specialist. You can't account for EVERY other computer you've ever interacted with. If a family member looks up an old email with your personal data in it, your data is now at risk.

If THEIR system is compromised YOUR data is at risk.

I just went from "vague feeling of unease" to "actively writing templates to canvas elected officials, regulators, and attorneys general."

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Shamar boosted

🚨 noyb has filed two complaints against #Microsoft (365 Education) for violating children's data protection rights!

👉 The company shifts responsibility for #GDPR compliance to local schools...

👉 ...and places tracking cookies without consent

Read all about it here:

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We've sent an open letter with 60+ orgs to the EU urging them to protect your #privacy.

Defend #encryption! 🔒 ➡️

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Chatcontrol sta arrivando: gli utenti che rifiutano la scansione non potranno condividere foto e link

Lo riporta Euractiv e lo confermano documenti interni. La Francia considera in linea di principio la nuova proposta di “moderazione degli upload” come un’opzione praticabile


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@ayo >the lack of browser-integrated account and session management is a major contributor to the centralization of the web.
I'm not sure what you're on about - the main reason why the proprietary web is so centralized is due to how google pushes a browser-integrated user account in google chrome.

I don't see a way how you could add proprietary global accounts to a browser and not centralize the crap out of everything (after all, each proprietary account results in centralization if it can be used with more than one website).

>Github as an example, here's how most people would comment on a project's issue tracker:
>Open issues page -> write comment.
No, that is not how it works.

It's; >Open issues page -> go to sign-up form -> run the proprietary malware JavaScript -> open password manager -> generate & save password -> back to sign-up form -> Agree to surrender your soul -> open email program -> (wait for email to arrive) -> click link in email -> go back to issues page -> write comment.

If I remember correctly, there's the option to "sign up" with a google account as well and a few more botnet providers and you just need to enter a username, but that's in total more steps than the email method.

People seem to be preconditioned to be glad to sell their soul to one botnet "platform" despite the busywork required to sign up and unreasonable, as it only really needs to be done once (and "everyone uses it"), but then complain when it comes to "signing up" for an account on another forge under reasonable terms.

For any decent project, the ability to post an issue is an simple as;
>With literally any email software (or handcraft an SMTP message with netcat and make up a from: email), send an email to the mailing list detailing the issue - no "sign-up" with any account required (many GNU Mailman based mailing lists request that you subscribe to the list to send emails to it, but that's entirely optional, as the email will just go to the list moderator for approval if you don't subscribe)
Or even better;
>Fix the issue >Send in that patch with git send-email
Shamar boosted

The vigilance should never stop. With #earnit, #onlineharms, #chatcontrol the legislatures seek to break encryption and read your DMs.

Back in August 1996 @ietf
 thought incredibly carefully about cryptography and the internet.  

Even back then governments were trying to interfere with the internet with weak cryptography.  I love the RFC number.   Read each point. It's still very relevant all these years later.


Shamar boosted

The "chat control" has some nostalgic and déjà vu kinda ring to it, especially for people like me who have lived in Iran or similar places, because:

>> the chats of employees of security authorities and the military are also to be exempted from chat control.

So the affairs (romantic, sexual, political, financial, ...) of people at power are ironclad protected, but general public should live in a complete disadvantage and bring monitored.


Shamar boosted

@Shamar @mcp_ É colorata con vernice tecnologica e condita con una buona dose di psicopatia, ma quello che racconta l'articolo è semplicemente la buona vecchia Cosa Nostra - vale a dire un potere informale che cerca di ridimensionare, infiltrare e sottomettere il potere formale dello stato di diritto. Non che non fosse un esito prevedibile dell'ideologia neoliberale. Ecco un testo vecchissimo, scritto in tempi non sospetti:

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