@rmcomplexity If it's worth to be told, it's worth to be told again. You never know what can be of value for someone else.
#100daysofcode Day 21 Start implementing object factory
#100daysofcode Day 20: Lazy day just updated some spacing and variables names to stay on the challenge
@freemo How long does it take to cook wild rice?
#100daysofcode Day 19: Contrary to what I thought of as lazy. It seems auto types have a lot of benefits, some of which are:
- reduces errors made by type conversion
- improves performance (on most cases)
- its possible to commit to a type
auto w = new widget{}
auto w = widget{12, 34}
#100daysofcode Day 18: the rss feed was fine but for some reason the anchoring was behaving weird. Found a workaround by using the height instead
#100daysofcode Day 17: damm pointers D:< spent about one hour looking for a lost asterisk "*"
#100daysofcode Day 16: Always remember to use deleteLater on QObjects instead of delete
#100daysofcode Day 15: still adding rss feed
#100daysofcode Day 14 is the any disadvantage to use "auto" type in qt?
#waterday #WorldWaterDay2021 #NetBSD #Unix #100DaysOfCode
Save water, Implement Rain water harvesting at home 🙏
#100daysofcode Day13: Added connection to rss, not sure why it can be useful for a client manager
#100daysofcode Day 12: today I realized the usefulness of the refactor tool in Qt when creating new classes. It's much more faster that typing by hand and less prone to errors
#100daysofcode Day11: implemented the option to delete clients
#100daysofcode Day 9 & 10:
Yesterday I forgot to toot about it, I completed the function to search and show results in the client manager
#100daysofcode Day8 R2: Today I started adding functions to search the database
#100daysofcode Day7 R2: I can finally create and save client info, I still need to allow to read it tough
@jmw150 I can see the long term benefit if done correctly, but it feels so tedious and unnecessary at the moment