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The massive failure of UK energy efficiency policy in one graph

- particularly important given that 'Nearly 38 per cent of the UK’s housing stock was built before 1946 — a higher proportion than in any EU country'

#ClimatePolicy #EnergyEfficiency #Insulation

@Karen5Lund Exactly, as soon as a list is more than one word, an Oxford comma helps readability enormously. (And the way I write, that happens a lot)

I don't like them so much for single words. But if everyone listened to me and used semicolons for separating out lists, we wouldn't need to have this debate. :ablobcool:

@ottocrat Hmm. I think I could make that add up. If you assume *some* in the West want a clear justification for getting involved, but the NATO centre of gravity is still "no way, not touching that", you have the conditions for an event manufactured (by someone) to escalate and drag NATO in, and NATO noping out of it, which basically matches those two statements.

It requires some contortions, but not many, when Zelenskyy is insisting the Polish strike came from Russia and the NATO view appears to have settled on an unfortunate accident from Ukraine.

Anyway, buckle up. I reckon this event will breed some pretty wild conspiracy theories. This is just the start.

@trinsec Compared to yesterday, it adds weight to my theory that it's possible to be too close. Thirdle in particular.

If only it was possible to turn that into a strategy... Not rigidly, though. Very much case by case, based on readability.

Wackaging gets weirder every day. This looks like the blurb for an uninspired SF short story.

@HPIAndyCowper Another vote for Tusky. It's got a similar feel to TweetDeck.


@gwr Almost identical to me. Those "close, but not quite" guesses can really hurt your score.

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There are some workmen digging up the road outside my house at the moment.

One of them is bald and was wearing large black ear defenders.

Looking at him from a distance, I though at first that it was the pointy-haired boss from the Dilbert cartoons.

@garius I love this. Possible counterpoint: Cressida Cowell based toothless largely on her cat, and drew him accordingly.

He is not a fierce, menacing dragon.

@davidallengreen @BethanyBlack Criminal damage up to and including arson, for a start. Which in my case would be made more likely by being shut away in this weird solitary confinement.

It's strange to find myself siding with the organisers in lovely , so I'll just confine myself to saying that this headline and the accompanying article reflect badly on the Guardian.

"World Cup to be surrounded by overpriced products" is barely news.

"Alcohol not cheap in Islamic country" is a Dog Bites Man story.

Running with this looks like a really poor decision, as if they're desperate to find a new negative angle, no matter how tenuous. Sometimes the obvious option is also the best.

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Wordle 514 6/6*


Sheesh! :ablobgrimace:

@Jim It will be nice for them to have the space to be fewer annoyed.

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I heard there was a secret note
That William Carlos Williams wrote
But you don't really care for sorries, do you?

It goes like this, they're cold, they're sweet
You saved them for a breakfast treat
But from your fridge, I took the plums and screwed you.

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If Alex James ever makes a non-dairy cheese, he should definitely call it 'There's No Udder Whey'.

@antares Really? That's amazing.

I do and will tell people, not that I can add much to 7 years of glowing reviews. But I've also got to complete the thing, and then (probably) start again with a better understanding of what I'm doing and where I went wrong.

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