Open Apology to QOTO: I have been massively idle the last few months due to Bipolar Brain Fuckery. As such I haven't been particularly active as a Moderator here, and I apologize for that.

@Surasanji If you like I can do something stupid so you can correct me :)

@Surasanji We all just hope for you to feel better. In fact I got this (in terms of moderation). If it helps just put your feet up, hang out and enjoy your friends. Dont even feel you need to worry about moderation at all unless you are in the mood for it.

You helped carry this place when I was sick, more than happy to take over the load while you recover as well.

We all miss you and are rooting for you!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

@freemo I'm doing much better now, got some medication stuff sorted out and I'm feeling good.

Thank you, I appreciate the love and support! It means a lot to me.

@Surasanji So glad you are feeling better. I was really worried about you, the natural consequence of just not knowing how you were. Tried sending you an email at some point to check in.

But all seems better so im glad!

@freemo I got the email, but I wasn't really answering anything at the time. That type 2 bipolar depressive cycle is no joke when it comes to despair.

But, medicine has been adjusted and I've started seeing a psychologist for the first time in like 18 years.

@Surasanji I figured you were probably having a bipolar episode and just shut down fromt he world.. But I wasnt really sure either way so still worried. In the end im glad it was that and not something worse.

@freemo It's been good so far, but we're still in the beginning processes of it all. I do love the fact that I don't have to pay out of pocket for any of that.

@Surasanji That makes a huge difference. It was a savior for alan too. Makes sense when you consider people struggling with mental issues likely are having trouble working too. So its a cycle for many.

@freemo Yeah, it's really nice to live somewhere that I can get this help without any financial burden.

Sending you all the best wishes. Take it easy!

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