Free China - The Courage to Believe
#Belief #China #Courage #Freedom #Communism #Dictatorship #Documentary
[10.1] Mourning the 70th Anniversary of CCP (English) #hongkong #protest #news
Here are three current live streams of the Battle for Hong Kong
#HongKong #Democracy #Freedom #China70
Hong Kong protesters hold demonstrations as China celebrates #China70 | Live
#HongKong #Freedom #Democracy
We must never allow encryption backdoors. Here's why:
Facebook is the most popular social network for governments spreading fake news:
Here are our recommendations to leave Facebook & Google behind: 😎✊
@fdroidorg @openstreetmap @Mastodon
@freemo Hey,
I just found out that Dr Ludwig is suing Youtube/Google!
He setup a crowd funding campaign and it was quite successful.
Hong Kong activists Denise Ho and Joshua Wong testify at US congressional hearing on protests
Protest group volunteer beaten in alley by police
Australia condemns 'deeply disturbing' Chinese footage of blindfolded Uyghurs
If you don't stand up for #RMS who will stand up for you when the same establishment comes after you? Do you expect your fellow man to believe your innocence any more than they believed RMS's?
Activist Joshua Wong urges US to take action on HK
Dissidents that the state and state collaborators labeled as perverted (more or less) in order to get the public to turn against them.
1. Julian Assange
2. Jacob Appelbaum
3. Richard Stallman
Who will be next?
4. Ai Weiwei????
*No because, for the moment, he is an asset so long as he is critical of the Chinese Communist Party
Don't be so easily manipulated by the bullshit that is being spread about #RMS . If you are one of those "If what he said is true..." "I'm with her" you are not entitled to spread more octane to an already out of control blaze.
If all you are saying publicly is that you disagree with a small sound bite or even just two words, that is proof that you are not smart enough to see that this is a strategic campaign to eliminate RMS or any of his supporters.
Don't join the merry band of idiots.
You have to look at everything said and always assume malintent by churnalists who have nothing to offer than broken, severly redacted and out right libelously false quotes as evidence of someone needing a crucifiction.
@purism That's excellent! Personally, I've never bought into the "PGP is too hard" or "the user experience and interface is too scary" nonsense, but then again I am a bit of a fanatic about what is right and wrong with email and have been known to scorch people for top-posting and using anything other than plain text. What Microsoft/Outlook and Google/Gmail have done to train generations of people to do everything wrong with email is enough, alone, to condemn them to hell. As you might have guessed, I use (neo)mutt and gpg from a terminal... everything else is an abomination. #oldschool #getoffmylawn
My Views are my own.
#FreieSoftware , #Pressefreiheit , #Meinungsfreiheit , #Klimaschutz , #Wikileaks, #FreeJulianAssange , #Unity4J , #FreeChelseaManning , #FreeEdwardSnowden , #FreeKimDotcom , #FreeHongKong
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