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Ninety percent of Ukrainian prisoners of war are subjected to torture. So far, 13 places have been identified in the Russian Federation where Ukrainian prisoners are held, as well as 120 in the occupied territories, according to Ukraine's Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

"Ninety percent of Ukrainian prisoners of war are subjected to physical and moral torture, as evidenced by the screening of those who returned from Russian captivity. The first so-called screening, an informal conversation with prisoners of war who are now returning, shows that up to 90 percent of our people suffer from various types of torture, inhumane treatment, including physical, sexual, and mental violence. Russia has created a system built on torture and inhumane treatment on its territory and in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine."

In turn, Deputy Head of the Department for Combating War Crimes Committed in the Conditions of Armed Conflict of the Prosecutor General's Office, Taras Semkiv, said:

"To date, Ukrainian law enforcement officers have interviewed more than 2,200 people out of 3,200 former prisoners about the circumstances of their stay in Russian captivity."

Russia is reportedly compelling young Africans to fight in the war against Ukraine, using threats of deportation, as detailed by Bloomberg. European officials estimate that thousands of migrants and foreign students have been coerced by the Kremlin into joining the fight alongside Russian forces, contributing to the recent offensive in the Kharkiv Region.

Moscow is replicating tactics initially employed by the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC), recruiting foreigners in Russia on work visas. These individuals are detained and given a stark choice: face deportation or participate in the conflict. While some manage to bribe officials to avoid military service and remain in the country, many are forced to accept the military service deal.

The coercion of migrants and students into combat began at the start of the war, according to another European official. These conscripted forces are experiencing severe casualties, often used in high-risk offensive operations to shield more experienced units.

Ukrainian intelligence indicates that Russia is conducting a widespread campaign to recruit foreign mercenaries from at least 21 countries, many of which are in Africa. These recruitment efforts promise attractive signing bonuses and salaries to entice recruits. Additionally, recruiters are targeting migrants and students who had previously sought work in Russia, sometimes luring them with false promises of lucrative jobs before forcing them into military training and deployment to the front lines.

🇪🇺 According to the preliminary results of the european elections, more far-right and conservative parties are entering the European Parliament.

🇩🇪 In Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz's party came in third place after the pro-Russian Alternative for Germany. The opposition Conservative Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union is in first place.

🇫🇷 In France, President Macron dissolved the parliament (National Assembly). This was due to the triumphant victory of Marine Le Pen's right-wing radical National Rally party. Macron's party received half as many votes, which led the far-right to demand the dissolution of the National Assembly. The elections are scheduled for June 30 and July 7.

🇦🇹 In Austria, the pro-Russian Freedom Party is the likely winner.

🇸🇰 In Slovakia, the Slovak opposition party Progressive Slovakia took first place in the elections, and the party of Prime Minister Robert Fico came in second.

🇬🇷 In Greece, the New Democracy movement of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis retained the lead.

🇪🇸 The opposition Popular Party wins in Spain.

🇫🇮 The ruling NRP led by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo wins in Finland. This is a good sign for Ukraine.

🇧🇪 Belgium : The liberal party of the country's prime minister, Alexandre Decro - Open Vld, is defeated. Against this background, he is resigning (the prime minister promised F-16s, so this is potentially a concerning moment for Ukraine).

The pro-Ukrainian European People's Party (EPP) remains the leading faction in the European Parliament with 181 seats, but the influence of right-wing, pro-Russian forces and conservatives has become stronger.

Our soldiers destroy the enemy effectively, and sometimes spectacularly.
- Syrskyi


🥇🏃‍♀️Ukraine's Liudmyla Olianovska surged past her rival two or three meters from the line, leaving a look of horror on García-Caro's face.

The 31-year-old Olianovska, a silver medalist at the European Championships 10 years ago, later dedicated the medal to Ukraine.

“I was tired in the last kilometer and the last meters, but I wanted to win this medal for my country so much,”
she said, per European Athletics.


Rep Wesley Hunt wants the entire world to know he is an idiot who never got much book learning.

Police just doesn't do anything
The complete “destruction of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” is greatly deplored by Z-blogger Anastasia Kashevarova. But of course she doesn't asks who destroyed it, this great system. Probably again the machinations of the damned West.

“The work of all law enforcement agencies needs to be brought into an enhanced mode of operation, that is, to prevent and prevent crimes, and not to deal with them after the fact.

...There is a feeling that law enforcement agencies do not understand that while fighters are defending the country in the Northern Military District zone, the police must go into an enhanced mode of work here, in the rear.

And the mental state of people is difficult, and Ukraine is treating everyone here that it can reach. ...

The Ministry of Internal Affairs system is completely destroyed. On the one hand, there are low salaries, therefore there is a shortage of personnel and hence low requirements for selection for service in the police. A huge amount of paperwork - it’s easier for employees to do nothing than to justify each step with a thousand reports. Everyone also knows how long and difficult the proceedings are for each case of using a service weapon.

On the other hand, a completely damaged reputation due to widespread bribery and indifference. Now if they raise their salaries, people will jump up: for what? They don't do anything! They don't protect!

Along with the purge in the Ministry of Defense, which at least began with the arrival of the new minister, it is necessary to carry out a purge, or even a full-fledged reform, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And not just rename it here and there, as they recently did with the traffic police, but dig much deeper.

...When I wrote at the beginning of the SMO that a boom in crime was expected, they even accused me of extremism. I came to the police department, wrote an explanation and was amazed that the guys were not overwhelmed with real work, but with anonymous denunciations. Most of these denunciations are written by Ukrainians, because we have a fucking law that all requests, even emails from an unidentified person, must be checked. And I can write hundreds of these a day and fill the Ministry of Internal Affairs with useless work.”

Well, the last lament full of anger and frustration apparently hints at that some Ukrainians are having fun with ruZZian cops.

Funny also that she allegedly predicted a crime boom at the start of the war, still without pointing out the cause - that is, said war, with prisoners set free, violence approved, lawlessness promoted, etc. etc.


🇺🇦  Total of 20 Ukrainian F-16 pilots are expected to graduate by the end of this year — half of the 40 needed to operate a full squadron of 20 jets, — Politico citing the former DOD official

The Biden administration has told Kyiv it lacks the school seats in its Arizona-based program to accept more than 12 pilot trainees at a time. Denmark will train 8 pilots by the end of the year. Eight new pilots are scheduled to begin training in Romania

To fully train the pilots of all 80+ F-16s that will be transferred to Ukraine, another year and a half is needed


Ukrainian drones hit a 5th generation Su-57 fighter at the airfield in Akhtubinsk. This is the newest and one of the most expensive military aircraft of russia.

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry reported that the Su-57 was hit. Satellite images have been published - before and after the impact (see photo),showing traces of burning near the plane.

The damage to the plane was acknowledged by the Z-channel Fighterbomber, which is close to military aviation which reported that 3 drones flew to the airfield, and it is checked now whether the Su-57 can be restored.

The Su-57 is the first Russian 5th-generation fighter wihch costs about 2,2 bn rubles. 60 bn were spent on the development and it was planned to buy 76 fighters. There were production problems and it's unknown how many aircraft were delivered.

State media reported the use of the Su-57 for attacks on Ukraine, although no official reports from the Ministry of Defeat.


Vasya, a dog who served with Ukrainian military, has died. He chewed off his paw to get out of a trap

The dog of the cane-corso breed died due to a serious illness. He had been serving with the Ukrainian military in Donbas since 2016.

During the service, Vasya got tangled in the wire near the militants' positions. The scouts planned to evacuate the dog, however, he soon returned to his own. As it turned out, the dog chewed his paw to get out.

The dog Vasya was given a prosthesis in Poland. After rehabilitation, he returned to Ukraine to his owners.

ATACMS turned out to be russian S-300
OSINT analyst: the wreckage near a residential building in Luhansk, where six were killed and dozens wounded, corresponds to parts of a russian S-300 missile

Independent researchers drew attention to the fact that in the footage of the russian sate controlled media, illustrating reports on the shelling of Lugansk on June 7, parts of S-300 / S-400 anti-aircraft missiles, which are in service with the russian Army, are presented as fragments of ATACMS missiles. This has been noted, in particular, by OSINT analyst Oliver Alexander, Twitter user Special Kherson Cat and the TG channel "Colonel of the General Staff".

The day before, the Ministry of Attack reported on the strike on Luhansk with ATACMS missiles. As a result of the shelling, the entrance of a five-story residential building collapsed. Mourning has been declared in the region. The death toll in the shelling, according to official data, is six people, 60 were injured.

Earlier, the legitimate head of the regional administration of Luhansk, Artem Lysogor, pointed out that the strikes on the city fell on the Ostraya Mohyla area, near the barracks of the former Luhansk Higher Military School of Navigators, where "the russian invaders have settled down comfortably."

In the same place there is an airport, an aircraft repair plant and a highway to the russian border, along which the russian army transports cargo, weapons and personnel, which is stationed in the same barracks of the flight school, writes Lysogor.

"The weapons provided to us by the Western allies are extremely accurate. Unfortunately, the russians always hide behind civilians, and if air defense did not work over residential areas, then there would be no reports of casualties among civilians, and even more so among children. Only russia is responsible for the casualties among citizens.The struggle of Ukraine and its allies will continue until the victory over the enemy and the liberation of the Luhansk region!" writes Lysogor.


Bottom line: the results of ruZZian incompetence and substandard are used to promote the disinformation that civilians are targeted by Ukraine with Western weapons. Again a scheme to strangle support of the allies to Ukraine.


Viktor Orban, the Putins agent acting as Hungarian PM announced plans to create a pro-ruZZian “peace coalition” in the future European Parliament, the purpose of which would be to stop confrontation with ruZZia.

Orban notes that in these pan-European elections two opposing political camps will compete with each other - those who are ready to fight against the aggressor, and those who are interested in peace with it. He and his associates represent the second camp.

Orban also emphasized that after the victory of the pro-ruZZian forces in Brussels, a “peace coalition” will be created there, which Donald Trump will allegedly be ready to support when he is elected to the presidency of the United States.

The Hungarian government has blocked almost half of the EU's decisions on Ukraine and is now blocking the allocation of more than 6.5 billion euros ($7.1 billion) to the country. This behavior is increasingly irritating other EU countries, and they are looking for ways to protect the funds intended for Kyiv from the Hungarian veto.

According to European diplomats, EU leaders are tired of Orban's interference and are ready to do what they have never done before in the history of the EU - to deprive the country of the right to participate in joint decision-making in accordance with Article 7 of the Treaty on EU.

If that's not the ultimate reason to go vote for any of the parties that are fully supporting Ukraine, you are braindead.

🇪🇺 @EU_Report 🇭🇺🇷🇺

No, 97% of people on Spain’s minimum basic income are not migrants

Ahead of the EU and UK elections, commentators and social media users are making factually incorrect claims about immigration in Europe.

Migration is typically a hot topic in any election campaign and is often fuel for inflammatory debates and false claims.

Whether they’re about benefits or immigration rates, the allegations are usually provocative and simply wrong.

Take this example from Spain:
This post on Facebook says that almost 97% of people on Spain’s minimum basic income are immigrants.

The minimum basic income is a social security benefit that provides a basic wage to the economically vulnerable. It can range from about €600 to €1,400 a month, depending on the beneficiary’s living conditions.

But the Facebook post is wrong for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, it says that it’s the Ministry of Labour that pays out the minimum basic income when it’s actually the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

But more importantly, it’s wrong because according to the inclusion ministry’s official data for April, 82.4% of beneficiaries held Spanish nationality, while only 17.6% were foreigners.

The post also incorrectly estimates the number of people receiving the minimum basic income: in reality, the benefit was paid to some 600.000 homes, in which almost 1.8 million people live.

Elsewhere on the continent, a clip by Dutch far-right activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek alleges that most of the populations of Amsterdam, Brussels and London are immigrants.

She also says that the (completely baseless) “great replacement theory” is a reality rather than a far-right conjecture meant to imply that Europe’s white population is being supplanted by immigrants from elsewhere.

All of this is incorrect.

Official numbers from the Dutch statistics office reveal that only 37% of Amsterdam’s population was born outside the Netherlands.

Figures from Belgium’s statistics agency put the number of Brussels residents born outside the country at 48%.

And in London, a 2021 census revealed that 41% of the capital’s population wasn’t born in the UK, according to the Office for National Statistics.

And this - of course - includes immigrants from the EU.

Furthermore, simply being born elsewhere is no indicator of background, and it can’t be used to demonstrate an otherwise unprovable hypothesis.

While it’s true that immigration is an important issue and it’s valid to have concerns about how it’s handled, it’s crucial to make sure any claims about it are based in fact.

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🇪🇺@EU_Report 🇪🇺

German lawmaker attacked by far-right anti-vaxxer council candidate amid spate of political violence

Roderich Kiesewetter, a conservative parliamentarian, was assaulted at a campaign event in southwest Germany. The attacker is thought to be a member of a far-right party with ties to the anti-vaxxer movement.

Roderich Kiesewetter, a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) member of the German Bundestag, became the latest politician in the country to be physically assaulted in the run-up to the European Union elections next Sunday.

Kiesewetter, a former soldier, was campaigning in Aalen in the southwestern German state of Baden-Württemberg on Saturday morning when he was verbally and physically assaulted by a 55-year-old man who police say is known to them.

The man approached the CDU campaign stand where he verbally assaulted Kiesewetter who asked the man to stop.

At that point, he began to tear down the campaign stand. When Kiesewetter attempted to take a photo of the attacker, the man punched the lawmaker before shoving him to the ground and fleeing the scene.

Local media outlets reported that the attacker is a candidate for the Aalen city council and a member of a far-right party with ties to the anti-vaxxer "Querdenker" movement.

Numerous politicians from the Social Democratic Party, Greens and Free Democrats released statements of solidarity with their CDU colleague who offered to forego pressing charges if the perpetrator apologized.


🇪🇺 @EU_Report 🇩🇪

The court arrested a native of Poland in the case of the attack on the Prime Minister of Denmark

A court in Denmark has placed under arrest for 12 days a Polish citizen who attacked the country's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen on June 7, according to the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet.

The accused is 39 years old, the authorities do not name him. He does not speak or understand Danish. At the time of the attack, he was allegedly under the influence of alcohol or drugs. According to the protocols, the man "looked disoriented" and "muttered to himself."

The man refused to admit his guilt. According to the prosecutor's office, the accused has been living in Denmark since 2019 and could not explain why he attacked the prime minister.

On the evening of June 7, a man attacked Frederiksen and punched her in the shoulder on Kultorvet Square in Copenhagen. The head of the Cabinet of Ministers feels fine, just "shocked by what happened," her office added. Frederiksen herself did not comment, but canceled all events scheduled for June 8.


🇪🇺 @EU_Report 🇩🇰

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