Is there feature to save all posts that match a key word in regular expression termsor is that not available on @freemo
I am also autistic my special interests politics programming and chess anime mlp science and speech technology i developed programming in my beginning if you want to know ask my stack is asp and azure c# I know python because it is my roots and and currently going learn ruby my idol of dev who made programming as hero was always pat pat Franco he died but he taught computer science with a passion and for his students I am carrying out my dream in his spirit long live pat Franco the best computer science professor eve
@freemo my intro to software development was actually developing python gui base text to audio file so I wanted bring more advancement yo thar fieod
so let's talk about synthesizes mic reading circuit that mics up correct social tone is this possible @freemo
<a rel="me" href="">Mastodon</a>
Books and my group a free society and community group inclusion and ideas for the better world with prejudoce
@Theverytechnologypony You should start a C++ group on our group server.
my fellow peers and are trying to solving this problem its an intro to c++
but the professsor chose this for lab 3
so that is what i am working on this week if any math people are curious about the code i just posted it is the solution to tha almost its not done tho
this is what i have been working on for school
i need to get the primesum of 10
and still testing for primpt
while (maxRange <= 0) { cout << maxRange << "is not valid input the max range cannot be 0 or lower " << endl; cin >> maxRange; } for (int countPrime = 2; countPrime <= maxRange; countPrime++) { for (int counterDiv = countPrime * countPrime; countPrime < maxRange; primeSum += counterDiv) { if (counterDiv == 0) { cout << primeSum; primeSum += counterDiv; } } } cout << "current sum: " << primeSum << endl; cout << "enter answer(y/n):"; cin >> Stop; primeSum = 0;} while (tolower(Stop) == 'y');
my solution the primitly is still going
Not really.. though its not that simple.. democrats control the house, republicans control the senae... each of these have different roles and generally the senate has more power in more ways than the house.
When talking about a contingent election though things are even more complicated. On the house will vote in a contingent election but they dont vote in the normal way of one person per vote. they vote such that one state gets one vote, and there must be a majority to win.
In the house the number of representatives per state is not fixed. The number of representatives they have is based on the size of the state. So in such a vote the breakdown by numbers would look very different than they do in an ordinary vote.
I am technoponyde c# takenby books aka flower love you flower
qoto dev mastodon dev(not yet)
I have autism:
I am an autistic pony
I love:
and programming
I hate Facebook sheep people who Facebook moderating groups make them powerful enough to humiliate and behavior free checks!
I love qoto and I am here to stay.