
Thanks Teixi, always happy to have more recommendations!

How would I go about looking for literature on the molecular dynamics of maintaining cellular fidelity within entropic constraints of thermal agitation?

For instance, the upper limits of cellular regeneration from before the metabolic demands of the process impede morphological fidelity of cellular structures? Any landmark works or figures in the field I should start with?

@bayesianboy Think of the server instantiation as something similar to Discord servers, except you have a home server, which in this case is neuromatch and your "local" feed is going to show you the neuromatch posts.

"Home" is going to show you the posts from everyone you follow.

And Tusky is probably the best out of all the mobile app options for Android so far incase you're looking for a mobile app.

And do an introduction post! So we can boost you around.

The paradoxical notion of freeing my thoughts by trapping them with words will forever frustrate and fascinate me.

And I say this as someone with little to no inner monologue; what leaves my lips or fingertips are often the initial verbalizations of my thoughts.

And I often worry about the right sequence of words that will express the full range of my thoughts.

I feel like I lose a lot of "cognitive fidelity" in discourse because my thoughts have to be converted into the social currency of verbalization and manipulated and perceived accordingly.

It always feels so very inadequate, as someone much more eloquent than I could ever hope to be phrased it, "[...] like communicating dreams in smoke signals."

Then, when you factor in the social metagame we use language in, matters are significantly more complex because you have to account for not only the semantic fidelity of your thoughts but also pragmatics, prosody, tone, and other contextual cues.

It's also one of the primary reasons I'm working my way through learning American Sign Language (also it's useful to know) because I'm curious about if I would struggle the same way, or perhaps differently.

I've often wondered about the gestural nature of signing vs. the (mostly) non-gestural nature of verbalisation, and if lacking an inner-monologue somehow puts me at odds with words in the sense that having an involuntary inner monologue meant you were able to always have your thoughts and "stream of consciousness" rehearsed and well-prepared for social discourse or communication.

I'm not sure as far as literature goes; I could be far off base.

To paraphrase Kerouac, "One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple."

.. except, in my case, they need not be simple. Being the right ones is good enough.

anyone working in botanical pathology have any favorite model organisms for studying cellular senesence, probably from a metabolic perspective of nutrient deprivation?

I'm thinking of something non-vascular, ideally inexpensive in terms of maintenance/growth via simple culture mediums with a decent genebase

folks, help a middling undergrad out with some basic visual cognition woes? (at least, I assume it falls under that, but it's closer to a kind of visual agnosia, context-wise)

I'm struggling with the words to put them in the appropriate jargon so bear with me.

I'm looking for a a specific label or term as well as the benchmark metric re: visual information vs. detail in the following cases:

1) remembering how many letters are on a screen vs. the font the letters were in or other visual details

2) In a picture, remembering how many objects categorically (i.e. bicycle, car, ball, dog) vs. details (i.e. red bicycle, blue car, yellow ball, type of dog)

conceptually, does the recall of these qualities differ and is there a specific term for remembering some better than the other and if there are tradeoffs?

the context I have in mind is visual aphantasia and whether there's a qualitative vs. quantitative aspect to recall or reimagining visuals you've already seen or reconstructing memory

I hope this makes sense, any literature that covers something similar would be much appreciated

@ct_bergstrom @RickSearle

That sounds like that would work too. Thanks Carl!

Any other recommendations or perhaps landmark papers?

Or anyone who's work might lean in the direction I'm thinking of. I'm particularly interested in their sociodynamics and communication, ideally from an evo.devo. lens but anywhere to start with should be fine.

@Eka_FOOF_A Thank you, my go-to is usually repositories of journal articles but there are quite a bit and it's inefficient to trawl when other people have done the work by way of landmark studies in the niche so asking around is more efficient.

Has anyone got any recommendations for books or papers on Corvids in general?

Ideally the neuroethology behind their behavior but anything to start with should do.

Learning to speak, to ride a bike, to swing a golf club or relearning movements after injury are all examples of motor learning. There may be an evolutionary conserved pathway involved in all of these processes. Our preprint sheds more light this process:



Fingers crossed I hit my sample size of 200+

@WorldImagining @NicoleCRust

To me it read like witty jousting than snark, or at least, the kind I'd tease friends (caveat being I'm autistic and I have to be careful with interpreting vague social heuristics) with but I suppose the point is if it's appropriate for a journal article as opposed to an op-ed piece of some kind or something along those lines.


Ooh, they have their very own hashtag, nifty. Looks like I've got quite a bit to get up to speed on.

Though to be fair, I ought to be working on my thesis but sometimes I just get the urge to read material that has anything to but to do with my thesis content. Plus, I'm in the middle of data collection anyway so.. I think I can allow myself some slack.

Thanks, Nicole!


re: "what new ideas are facilitated by viewing things in this way?"

I find that this line of thinking helps a lot, at least personally, with being mindful about confusing the map for the territory, i.e. does this level of abstraction help me understand this particular function better vs. this other level of abstraction that might be more accurate but is encumbersome to facilitate insight.

@NicoleCRust Also, I don't suppose you've got a list of links for your countdown threads do you? Looks like I've missed quite a bit and scrolling past your profile to find them might take a while, worth it as it might be.


Yeah, snark is risky to operationalise and best left for personal discourse with close peers with whom you can gauge the mood and read the room accordingly, and who, hopefully, find the humour in it.

But yes, I think my idea of memorability would be satisfied with papers written like conversational discourse.


Parsing the actual paper right now but re: "While this is amusing, it's probably best that we've left this snark behind?"

I don't know, I guess it wouldn't be proper form to see journal articles in that style but I think I would quite enjoy it because I find that it makes it more memorable as a narrative as opposed to what might be considered dry, almost clinical writing.

But that might just be me.

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